Millions Of Dead Simpsons’ Greatest Hits


Careful! They’re ruffled!

There isn’t a day that goes by on the internet without seeing an amusing cross-over between two pop culture institutions. Although, with all the hybridisation being attempted you could put it down to sheer probability that some of them are bound to be worthwhile. Today we’re not only going to discuss whether or not we believe all modern art has devolved into a crude facsimile of past successes, mere derivations lacking import or any semblance of creativity, we’re going to do so at length. Just kidding. We’re going to take a look at a bunch of memes, and you’re going to enjoy it. You don’t have a choice really; no-one cares about your original art either.

In the past we’ve seen what happens when Seinfeld goes DSBM, our fave album covers are fed through Google’s Deep Dream and Prisma, and around a year or so ago a page we followed went hard with some killer Always Sunny x metal chops, however the quiet achiever we’re looking at today is the Millions Of Dead Simpsons page. A name you might affiliate with the prolific Millions Of Dead Posers conglomerate Joe declared to be the Best Page On FB during its heyday. As with many fan submitted pages, even if the idea is perfect in theory, the quality of the photoshopping can be faaaar from it, but still, over the last year or so they’ve accrued some quality lol-tastic content. After culling some of the poorer chops, I’ve collated a bunch of the top metal-related ones here for you to get the kicks you crave to get you through the work week. Even noticed some of the recent top-tier cuts were submitted from a few familiar TovH regulars. And  also being the neurotic fuckwit that I am, I couldn’t help but redo that abysmal Demolition Hammer one someone uploaded. Anyway, take a look at these and post some of your own picks in the comments.

Oh and here’s a smashing first taste from the upcoming Scorched album which was uploaded earlier today to check while you scroll through these.

Extra relevant after last week’s TovH Radio show

Is it a coincidence that this scene depicting infamous Dog Rapist Tim Allen occurs in the very same episode as Homer’s Deep Space voyage used in the header image? I think not.

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