PREMIERE: Camera Obscura 2 – ‘To Bleed To Feel Alive’ lyric video


Shut up and bleed.

What do you get when you mix members of Hour Of Penance, Cripple Bastards, Novembre, and Schizo? You get the skull-scraping, gut-grinding, double-bass blast known as Camera Obscura 2. When I say “double-bass” I don’t mean a double bass pedal. I mean they have two, count ’em, two bassists. That’s enough low-end to shake loose the fillings in your teeth. Don’t believe me? Well, we have a brand new lyric video from the band to prove you wrong.

“To Bleed To Feel Alive” is a gripper and ripper, by which I mean it grips you by the throat and rips it out, Roadhouse-style. Equal parts grind, thrash, and crossover, CO2 provides a little something for every metalhead with this song. Maybe it’s the fear of someone killing me just be breathing in my general direction. Or maybe it’s because I’ve been forced indoors for almost a full year. Either way, I’ve been stomping around, punching the air, yelling “Grip! Split! Dive! To bleed to feel alive!” At this point, we could probably use a good bleeding session just to feel something. Press play, circle pit around your house, and clean up the mess when you’re done.


Camera Obscura Two’s debut album D.O.D. is out on February 12th via Selfmadegod Records. Hear more on Bandcamp, like them on Facebook, and follow them on Instagram.

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