Premiere: Fulci Bring Zombie Melting Fun In The ‘Tropical Sun’


In your head, in your head, Fulci, Fulci, Fulci-i-i

Do you recall the first time you ever saw and Italian horror film? The first moment that made you utter perhaps the most sincere “what the fuck” that has ever left your lips under your breath and that you were convinced that you might have just witnessed a real death on screen (Bad news: If it was an animal you absolutely did). I ask because watching any and all films by Lucio Fulci will elicit those feelings every single time, without fail. This man made some seriously weird cinema. He alone has given us a zombie fighting a shark, the world’s longest scene of fake spiders devouring a helpless fool, a scene that inspired the Death classic “Regurgitated Guts,” and the most squirm inducing thing I’ve ever seen, the Big Fuckin’ Splinter.

That’s all insanely gnarly and genuinely some of the most wow inducing carnage ever put to film and you’re probably thinking “this would be the perfect marriage for a metal band.” Well dear toileteer you have stumbled onto the right blog post! Today we have a premiere from none other than Italy’s appropriately named Fulci.

Coming courtesy of Time to Kill Records, we have the title track of their upcoming record Tropical Sun. The song launches out of the gate with full force but wastes no time getting to the slams. Oh yes, this song absolutely SLAMS with all of the Suffocation-esque ignorance you’d expect from a flesh starved corpse. The subterranean, inhuman vocals are an extremely gross cherry on top. If you like your modern death metal guttural, slamming and gore soaked then hitting play will be the best thing you do all damn day.

Here’s what the band had to say –

Tropical Sun” is the title track of our new album . The whole record in based on the movie “Zombi 2”, directed by the italian gore master Lucio Fulci. We came up with this title in a brainstorming session with our friend and rapper Metal Carter. The movie was set in a tropical paradise where the dead comes back to life following a mysterious voodoo rite. The sun is often a metaphor for God, life and happiness, while in our case sun means death, fire and hell”.

Fulci’s Tropical Sun Releases On May 31st Through Time To Kill Records


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