
Premiere: Infraktor – “Blood of the Weak”


There’s a lot to be angry about these days. Infraktor is going to help you thrash that anger out.

“Blood of the Weak” wastes no time with superfluous intros or theatrics. It hits you with a nasty establishing riff straight away and hits full bore in less than 10 seconds, the drums alternating between a driving skank beat and thick grooves. The monstrous vocals hit simultaneously with another punishing riff, building to a headbanger of a bridge and a ripping solo. The song is over before you know it, blurring by in a frenzy and ending as suddenly as it starts.

Though Exhaust is a debut, the band’s experience as musicians is very much evident in the way their songs progress. “Blood of the Weak” is certainly meat-and-potatoes death thrash, but it’s spiced up with smart songwriting. There are little twists and variations on each repetition of any given riff, and the call-and-response right before the solo adds some extra flavor to the mix. Infraktor are damn good at what they do, and this little taste of what they have to offer will leave you hungry for the full course.

Exhaust is out March 2nd via Rastilho Records. Be sure to follow Infraktor on Facebook, and check out their video for “Ferocious Intent” if you crave more.

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