Premiere: Woundvac – Death Sedation


Ba ba ba ba, ba ba ba ba ba, I wanna be death sedation’d.

Are you feeling good? Think everything is going swell? Skipping your way through life like you’re a Leonardo Dicaprio meme? Phoenix, Arizona’s Woundvac are more than happy to drag your and your stupid smile through the mud.  Let the d-beat meets grindcore drums wash over you like a furious flurry of fists and feet. Cough as your lungs fill with the same phlegm and bile that coats the vocals. Fight in vain to keep your flesh from peeling away due to the razor-sharp riffs. Hold your head to preventing the pounding bass from causing your skull to cave in. Today, we’re pleased to bring you the premiere of Woundvac’s new song “Death Sedation” from their upcoming album Terrorizing The Swarm.


Terrorizing The Swarm will be released on May 5th digitally as well as on black with white splatter vinyl. Dig into their other tunes on Bandcamp, like ’em on Facebook, and watch the music video for their song “Inside The Ash“. It let’s us know what happened to Tarman from the Return of the Living Dead series.

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