Premiere: Deathsiege – “Dehumanized in Darkness”

What if “war metal but good”? Haha, just making jokes; some folks really like war metal and I am not here to criticize. However, to this music critic the following (potentially war metal) premiere is one which I shall label as “incredibly good”. I’m new to Israel’s Deathsiege but cannot deny that their upcoming music sounds incredibly wonderful to these ears, scores above some of their previously released material (which you can access here). They’ve always had the drive, now it’s a mission.
What am I trying to say here? Their older material is definitely good music, and one might say that they showed some promise, but the sound quality scared me off. It doesn’t matter right now, or it may in fact matter if I were to present them with the “most improved sound” medal (which I might). Our lovely friends at Everlasting Spew Records have scheduled to release their debut LP in the year of our lord 2022, which is immensely impressive considering that Deathsiege originated sometime in, WHAT, 2019?! I… I just can’t imagine what it’s like going from those “rough” sounding demos to this material which sounds pristine. The mixing is just perfect for these ears. I don’t know what else to tell you except that this is gosh darned fantastic. You don’t need some goofy Internet idiot to tell you that though. Here’s the premiere, my friends:
Am I allowed to add my thoughts about the guitar solos? If so, they can be summed up with “hnnnngh”. Well played, lads. Give me all those blast beats. Give me all that speed. I’ll gladly take it all.
Hop on over to the album’s page on Everlasting Spew’s BandCamp. (There’s another single available for your listening pleasure) and see what you think. I’m on board. This is some hyper-fast, obliterating stuff. The band’s evolution up to—and including—this point is admirable. Throne of Heresy by Deathsiege is one incredibly anticipated album which will grace our ears with its evil (and fast) presence on October 28th. Give them some love on the ‘gram while you’re at it.