Shirt Stains: Oli Sykes Has A Clothing Line For Some Reason


Bring Me The Overpriced Jeans

Bring Me The Horizon frontman and reason why your parents told you to really think before getting tattoos Oli Sykes has a clothing line. I had no idea either. Despite the occasional video breakdown, I haven’t really put much thought into Sykes or his band. Probably because it is a generational and, y’know, taste thing. What’s Sykes’s qualifications for having his own clothing line? He’s famous and has money. That’s not a slight to him or BMTH, that’s just fact. If we had a few million more clicks and Patreon donations, we’d open the Toilet Ov Hell Rib Shack and Video Game Empornium.

Sykes recently announced that his clothing line, Drop Dead Clothing, will be collaborating with the HBO hit Game Of Thrones on some new clothing. Why are Game of Thrones and Bring Me The Horizon teaming up? Did someone dose a business executive’s bangers and mash? Did someone at HBO go “They both talkify the same way! Let’s shift the paradigm and interslice our manuscripts for optimal maximization” or whatever made-up words trust fundies that major in business at Duke say? Your guess is as good as mine.

Sadly, images have not yet be released and the clothing line’s website just has a page asking you enter your email for updates. Since we can’t find out what the recipients of a Bad Religion slapdown have in store for Lannisters, Starks, and Targaryens, we can do the next best thing: gawk and laugh at the shit he already has for sale.


This longsleeve looks like the scene of a brutal triple homicide if a pumpkin spice latte was used as the murder weapon. This is what happens when a Jack-O-Lantern stares into the void. I can’t decide if the line around the collar makes this better or somehow worse. Hey, at least Dr. Frank N. Furter’s son is doing well for himself.


Wow, what a must-have item for mommy’s little sociopath and daddy’s little try-hard.

These jeans, that looks like they’ve gone through a trash compactor at Charlie Sheen’s house are 75£. Get fuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked, Drop Dead Clothing. Get double fuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked if you’re willing to spend that much on jeans that are part Swiss cheese.

Don’t worry, ladies. Uncle Oli didn’t forget about you. This dress-thing makes about as much sense as…well, a Game of Thrones/Bring Me The Horizon collaboration. It’s got that “methed-out chic” look that is all the rage these days inside the minds of people who have minimal connection to the real world. This one is for all the Helena Bonham Carter groupies out there.

Absolutely repug.

I’ll bet Oli is used to getting that look from women in their underwear. “Ugh. At least this will be quick. I don’t want to miss Paramore’s set.”


My “what the fuck” extends to everything in this picture. I just…I just don’t know any more.

Be sure to keep your eye out for the GoT BMTH OMG STD LOL clothing line. I know I will.

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