STREAM: Cortez – “El Vetic”


Expansive, experimental hardcore for your soundholes.

Cortez are not the most prolific band in the game. Though they formed in 2001, they released just two splits and two full-lengths in that 15-year span. Skronk nerds among you may recognize Cortez from their 2012 split with Plebeian Grandstand. Or maybe you caught their first LP, Initial, when it dropped alllll the way back in 2005. If you, like me, missed this record while you were a teenager obsessed with The Blood Brothers, here’s your chance to get caught up.

This Swiss trio, drums, guitar, and vox, deliver an ocean of emotional depth with “El Vetic”, a track that defies lazy categorization. Grizzled hardcore fans can latch on to the barking vocals. Post-metal fans will dig the space-y confines of this 7-minute track. Cascadian black metal fans will find hypnotic riffs to nod out to. If you’re a fan of heavy music, you owe “El Vetic” a listen.

Initial is out September 9th. Listen to the full album on Bandcamp. Pick up a limited edition LP pressing from WOOAAARGH and Get A Life Records! Follow Cortez on Facebook and tell ’em “eyyyyyy”.

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