Impellitteri – Symptom Of The Universe: A Video Breakdown
What, no one wants to cover anything from Forbidden? -
Live For Metal, Fight For Metal, Gamble For Metal
Riding the Crazy Train all the way to the poor house. -
Review: Riot V — Armor of Light
Do you have what it takes to join Riot V in the quest for the Armor of Light? -
Review: Battleroar – Codex Epicus
Does Codex Epicus evoke a powerful Battleroar or a meagre Battlesnore? Sepulcrustacean plunges his steel into the heart of the beast ... -
Cold Steel Dawn – Warm Summer Wounds
With the last of winter finally defeated, Cold Steel Dawn makes its triumphant return and brings you something molten and ... -
Review: NMK — Ravenous Spectre
Let’s start with my conclusion: NMK‘s debut, Ravenous Spectre, is a melodeath gem! -