JAG’s Albums of the Year (30 Years Ago)
1984 was a great year for heavy metal and rock music in general. I’m come here, from thirty years in ... -
Sweater Stains: Merry Fishmas
It’s beginning to look a lot like Fishmas, everywhere you go. -
“Who’s Handicapped Now, Mother****ers!?” – Meet Shawn Vriezen, Deaf Metalhead
Meet Shawn Vriezen, a lover of heavy metal with severe hearing loss. Shawn is a fixture in the Minneapolis metal scene, a ... -
Raven: The Pack Is Back
It’s not often that one discovers a band in the new millennium that has been around since the 70’s, especially ... -
Beer Up, Pinkies Out
We gettin’ fancy all up in here. While Cybernetic Organism has been kind enough to us humans to give us ... -
WHY DISCO DOESN’T SUCK: A Guide to EDM for Metalheads
“I’m supposed to hate this stuff….so why do I keep hearing things I like?” -
Rho Stone’s Audiovisual Adventures: DIY Music Video Advice for the Unsigned
The Toilet Ov Hell cares about new bands. They’re the future of metal, after all. Who needs fancy budgets when ... -
Rho Stone’s Audiovisual Adventures – Colors are your friends
Let’s talk about science, psychology, stupid trends, and why music videos should ride the rainbow. -
The Guide to Hip Hop for Metalheads
The late 90s were a rough time for music. Nü-metal left a bad taste in all of our mouths. Floridian ... -
Lovecraft and heavy Metal: A Macabre Love Story (Part I)
“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of ...