The Most Innovative Guitarist In Metal Right Now: Semi-Finals


Shit’s getting real now in our tournament searching for who you think is the most creative guitarist in metal today. We’re down to the final four, who will you deem worthy of the grand finale?

Almost a month ago we started a contest to give exposure to a bunch of the guitarists who we believe are pushing the genre forward into the future with their spiffy riffs, siqq liqqs, and all manner of other dumb superlatives that may or may not rhyme with pretend words musicians use. And for the last few weeks your faves have been battling it out, 1v1 for ultimate supremacy. Here’s how it has unfolded so far…

So as you can see, it’s been a whole Thing™. Over the last week during our Quarter Finals, Josh Raiken (Suffering Hour) narrowly outplayed Phil Tougas (Chthe’ilist | First Fragment), Dylan DiLella (Pyrrhon) ground down Gabriele Gramaglia (The Clearing Path), Dan Gargiulo (Artificial Brain | Revocation) unleashed some sort of autophagic lysosome which digested Shawn Hache (Mitochondrion), and The Huff (Gorguts | Dysrhythmia) snuffed out and excised Michael Hoggard (Ulcerate). Here be the final numbers –

Now, it’s time for your to listen in and vote the fuck out on today’s semis.

Josh Raiken (Suffering Hour)

Scientifically proven to have penned the best riffs of 2017.

Dylan DiLella (Pyrrhon)

What ever happened to Oblivionized? Why won’t Psyopus ever play again? Who the fuck is behind Seminary?
I bet Dylan DiLella has the answers. There’s a non-zero chance he ate them.

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Dan Gargiulo (Artificial Brain | Revocation)

Sounds from the labyrinff constellation.

Kevin Hufnagel (Dysrhythmia | Gorguts | Sabbath Assembly | Vaura)

Possibly the most underappreciated modern guitarist in metal, ostensibly because no amount of praise would seem adequate.

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(Image via, via, via, via)

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