
This Toilet Tuesday (4/26/16)


Welcome to This Toilet Tuesday! Come and join us, friends, as we continue our quest to provide you with more metal than you’ll ever be able to listen to. If you’re smart, you’ll be picky and take only the best cuts from each week (which W., Karhu, Jom, and I have so graciously picked out). If you’re like me, you’ll stick everything that sounds even remotely interesting in a list somewhere, fully intending to return to it, but never getting around to it. There are few things sadder than knowing there are sweet riffs you’re never going to get to hear, but such is life. So pick out some of those awesome riffs from this week and share them with us in the comments!


Plebeian Grandstand – False Highs, True Lows (Throatruiner Records) [SKRONK]

Although digitally out for more than a month, it is still worth mentioning Plebeian Grandstand have unleashed a new full length album packed with dissonance, disconcertedness, and heavily expanded musical dongs. A great many of us eager Toileteers have been awaiting the return of these blackened Frenchmen, and they have not disappointed. Notably, False Highs, True Lows possesses a tad less of the hardcore influence heard on its predecessor, Lowgazers, although the blast beats and pummeling atmosphere remain fully intact. If you’ve been procrastinating on this release (like definitely not me), check it out and get learned. FFO: Deathspell Omega, Kommandant 4/29/16 (Jom Pootersan)


Ithaqua – The Black Mass Sabbath Pulse (Iron Bonehead Productions) [Black Metal]

Though Ithaqua’s prior output has been of a distinctly Hellenic black metal style, “Walpurgis, The Flight of Spectral Witches” spices things up with some very interesting elements. The main riff itself could have been penned by Quorthon, and the added keys during the choruses lend the track a more melancholy, almost funereal atmosphere akin to doom metal. It’s a fun, mid-paced track that certainly has me interested in the other side of the The Black Mass Sabbath Pulse EP. FFO: Bathory, Rotting Christ, Varathon 4/30/16 (W.)


Discharge – End of Days (Nuclear Blast Records) [D-Beat]
Listen to “Hatebomb”

Discharge are one of the oldest hardcore punk bands around, and their stable, reliable brand of d-beat violence reminds us of a simpler time, a more pure time, a time when hoodlums were just trying to play faster and louder than each other with no end goal beyond sloppy extremity. As an embodiment of that ideal, “Hatebomb” does not disappoint. It is fast, catchy, irritable, and certain to have you moshing in your cubicle. FFO: Napalm Death, Disfear, Repulsion 4/29/16 (W.)

Kawir - Fath Sun - Mother Moon

Kawir – Father Sun Mother Moon (Iron Bonehead Productions) [Folk/Black Metal]
Listen to “Hail to the Three Shaped Goddess,” “Dionysus”

Kawir may not have made themselves as big a name as their compatriots of the Hellenic Black Metal scene like Rotting Christ or Varathron, but they’ve never dwindled, never faltering in their delivery. Right now they’re my favorite from the entire scene, and if the two already released tracks from Father Sun Mother Moon are any indication that isn’t about to change. “Dionysus” is filled with furious grandeur – hammering riffs meet a flute melody under Porphyrion’s devastating performance as he righteously takes his place on the mic back. “Hail to the Three Shaped Goddess” follows the same major lines – none the weaker – but with a darker, melodic undertone. Losing multiple members at once is always a difficult situation for a band, but Kawir seems to have triumphed. 4/29/16 (Karhu)


Mistur – In Memoriam (Karisma/Dark Essence Records) [Sognametal]
Listen to “Downfall”

It has been far too long since Mistur has graced us with a new album; their last one, Attende, came out in 2009, with naught but a single to tide us over in the interim. If you’re not already familiar with Sognametal, I highly recommend you read Randall’s excellent two-part primer on the microgenre. If you are, you already know what to expect; soaring leads over monster chords, a constantly flowing river of double bass, and vicious screams coupled with beautiful singing. “Downfall” sounds fantastic in every respect, and I have no doubt that the rest of In Memoriam will follow suit. 4/29/16 (Spear)

Abnormality – Mechanisms of Omniscience (Metal Blade Records) [Brutal Tech Death]
Listen to “Mechanisms of Omniscience”

Abrogation – Urstant (7hard Records) [lolbuttz]
Listen to “Deine Wunden”

Bloody Blasphemy – Total Death Celebration (Via Nocturna) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Des Feindes Tod”

Circle of Shadows – Of Mercury Blood (Mortal Rite Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Emerging Grave Lands”

Clear Sky Nailstorm – The Inner Abyss (Bret Hard Records) [Thrash]

Crystal Pyramid – Enter the Beyond (Via Nocturna) [Doom]
Listen to “Voluntary Extinction Center”

Darkend – The Canticle of Shadows (Non Serviam Records) [Symphonic Black Metal]

Darkestrah – Turan (Osmose Productions) [Folk/Black Metal]

Dark Nightmare – Tortured Souls (Eat Metal Records) [Heavy/Power Metal]
Listen to “Eternal Forest”

Demon Bell – Steel Sorcery EP (Mortal Rite Records) [Black Thrash]
Listen to “Satanic Steel Rapist”

Dexter Ward – Rendezvous with Destiny (No Remorse Records) [Heavy Metal]
Listen to “These Metal Wings”

Dö – Tuho (Independent) [Stoner/Doom]

Gorevent – Dull Punishment (Bloodcurdling Enterprise) [Brutal Death Metal]

Early Graves/Ringworm – Early Graves/Ringworm (split- Creator Destructor Records) [Grindcore/Hardcore]
Listen to “Revenge” (Early Graves), “Innocent Blood” (Ringworm)

Eternal Alchemist – Demon Summoning (Golden Age of Blasphemy/Worship Tapes) [Black Metal]

Fallujah – Dreamless (Nuclear Blast Records) [Atmospheric Tech Death]
Listen to “The Void Alone,” “Scar Queen,” “Abandon”

Farseer – Fall Before the Dawn (Independent) [Eldar Metal]
Listen to “Fall Before the Dawn”

Fister/Teeth – Fister/Teeth (split- Broken Limbs Recordings) [Sludge/SKRONK]

Genkaku Aria – 極凍メルヴェイユ (Independent) [Power Metal]

Germ – Escape (Prophecy Productions) [Post-Black Metal]
Listen to “I’ll Give Myself to the Wind”

Graveyard – …for Thine Is the Darkness (War Anthem Records) [Death Metal]
Listen to “With Fear and Thirst”

Haken – Affinity (InsideOut Music) [Progressive Metal]
Listen to “Initiate”
Review/Analysis of the continuing evolution of progressive metal

Head of the Demon – Sathanas Trismigestos (Invictus Productions) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Sathanas Tismigestos”

Hedonist – The Collapse (Consouling Agency) [Heavy Metal]
Listen to “I Hedonist”

Homicidal Raptus – Erotomaniac Hallucinosis (Proguttural Production) [Brutal Death Metal]

Invocation – Seance Part. I (Godz ov War Productions) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Emanations,” “Pendulum”

Kamara – Kahden maailman välissä (Independent) [Thrash/Melodeath]

Lathspell – Torn Cold Void (Wolfspell Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Beneath the Flaming Earth”

Lord Mantis – NTW (New Density) [Blackened Sludge]
Listen to “SIG Safer”

Mindshift – Horizon (Eclipse Records) [Metalcore]
Listen to “Horizon”

Moros Nyx – Revolution Street (Independent) [Speed/Power Metal]
Listen to “What Happens This Night,” “Child of the Dream”

Mountain Grave – Massive Structural Collapse (Horror Pain Gore Death) [Death Metal]
Listen to “Pursued By Wolves”

Nemesea – Uprise (Napalm Records) [Gothic Metal]
Listen to “Twilight”

Nuctemeron – Knights of Hell (Mortal Rite Records) [Black Thrash]
Listen to “Black Speed Hell”

Φnality Blast – Abstract Games (Independent) [Power Metal]

Poverty’s No Crime – Spiral of Fear (InsideOut Music) [Prog Metal]

Qrixkuor – Three Devils Dance (Invictus Productions) [Death Metal]

Quercus – Heart with Bread (Independent) [Breadcore]
Listen to “A Canticle For The Pipe Organ”

Rokugen Alice – 前衛歌劇団 イデア座 ~人殺しヴィレッジ~ side:idea (Independent) [Power Metal]

Salem – Dark Days (Pure Steel Records) [Heavy Metal]

Savior from Anger – Temple of Judgment (Pure Steel Records) [Power/Thrash]

Schammasch – Triangle (Prosthetic Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Consensus,” “Metanoia”

Slaughterday – Laws of the Occult (FDA Rekotz) [Death Metal]

Sol Evil – Master of Ascendancy – Volume 3 (Independent) [Tuff Guy Black Metal]

Svarttjern – Dødsskrik (Soulseller Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Admiring Death”

The UnHuman Thorn – Sacro-Kvltus Dementis (Symbol of Domination) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Sacro-Kvltus Dementis”

Uttertomb – Sempiternal (Pulverised Records) [Death Metal]
Listen to “Excarnation”

Verdun – The Eternal Drift’s Canticles (Lost Pilgrims Records) [Sludge]
Listen to “Self Inflicted Mutilation”

Vidargängr – A World That Has to Be Opposed (War Anthem Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Burning Abyss”

Visions of Atlantis – Old Routes – New Waters (Napalm Records) [Power Metal]

Witchthroat Serpent – Sang-Dragon (Deadlight Entertainment) [Doom]
Listen to “Siberian Mist,” “Into the Black Wood”

Did we forget a new release? Is there a way we could improve this list? Let us know in the comments below!

(Images VIA, VIA, VIA, VIA, VIA)

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