
This Toilet Tuesday (8/27/24)


O Sire ov Swirlies, O Upper-Decker Deity, wash the sinful secretions from the seat ov humanity. This week we’ve got galactic UPS, Stentor cell prog, and some sauna album or something, idk. The waters of the Bowl are rising as the enemy of metal (summer) begins to falter—soon, black metal nerds will emerge from hibernation to begrudgingly participate in pvmpkin spice ritvals and their annual 15 minutes ov sunlight. As your eyes adjust to the light, let us know what we missed in the comments!


Sur Austru – Datura Străhiarelor (Avantgarde Music) [Black / Folk Metal]

The sound of the toacă, an instrument consisting solely of a suspended wooden board, calls to mind pristine, ancient forests—perhaps a literal voice of the trees. Datura Străhiarelor marks Sur Austru’s third album since rising from the ashes of Negură Bunget, and continues their legacy of stirring together Romanian folk music and elements of black metal. The resulting stew is quite eclectic, with a smattering of vocal styles ranging from a sludgy croak (evoking Aaron John Gregory’s work in Giant Squid and Squalus) to gutturals and choral cleans, along with a host of instruments rarely heard in metal. (Are you familiar with the nai? The bucium? Me neither.) Coupled with the herd of mythological creatures adorning the album art (painted lovingly in the style of medieval maps), Datura Străhiarelor feels like an excursion into uncharted lands, where novel experiences await. -Roldy

Amiensus – Reclamation Pt. II (M-Theory Audio) [Prog Black]

Anna Pest – You and Me at the End of the Fucking World (Independent) [Deathcore / Prog Metal / Trap]

Atomicide – Manifest of Aversion (Death Division Rituals) [Death]

Avmakt – Satanic Inversion of…. (Peaceville Records) [Black]

Betelgeuse – Bajo el amparo de la putrefacta cruz (Adirondack Black Mass) [Black]

Concrete Winds – S/T (Sepulchral Voice Records) [Deathgrind]

Contemptor – Aequinoctium (Independent) [Blackened Death]

Deliver the Galaxy – Bury Your Gods (Massacre Records) [Melodeath]

Dionize – Lighthouse (Argonauta Records) [Doom / Sludge / Alt Rock]

Druid Stone – Undead Poets Society (Neospartan Records) [Doom / Goth Rock]

Fim da Aurora – Empty (Independent) [Death / Metalcore]

Forlorn Hope – Valour – Part I (Independent) [Power / Heavy Metal]

Gangrena Gasosa – Figa of The Dark (Independent) [Crossover Thrash]

Grave Risk – Mindkiller (Independent) [Crossover Thrash]

Grendel’s Sÿster – Katabasis into the Abaton / Abstieg in die Traumkammer (Independent) [Folk / Heavy Metal]

Gutvoid – Breathing Obelisk (Blood Harvest) [Death]

Hellripper – Fork-Tongued Messiah / Punk Rock Classic (Independent) [Blackened Speed]

Hemlokk – Hares & Hedges (Under the Dark Soil) [Atmoblack / Neofolk]

Hāg – Over stormskapte fjell (Naturmacht Productions) [Black]

Kolkhetian – No Life Expectancy (Adirondack Black Mass) [DSBM]

Leprous – Melodies of Atonement (InsideOut Music) [Prog Metal / Rock]

Longhouse – III: N​ì​jw​à​swe (Independent) [Doom / Sludge / Melodeath]

Lovebites – Lovebites EP II (Victor) [Power / Heavy Metal]

Marax – The Shrine (Independent) [Symphonic Black]

Modern Rites – Endless (Debemur Morti Productions) [Blackened Death / Industrial Metal]

Nails – Every Bridge Burning (Nuclear Blast Entertainment) [Grindcore / Powerviolence]

Other World – Tenebrous (Debemur Morti Productions) [Black]

Ousiodes – The Forest (Ward Records) [Symphonic Power]

Phaëthon – Wielder of the Steel (Gates of Hell Records) [Epic Heavy Metal]

Phenocryst – Cremation Pyre (Blood Harvest) [Death]

Pneuma Hagion – From Beyond (Everlasting Spew Records) [Blackened Death / Hardcore]

Rezet – S/T (Violent Creek Records) [Thrash / Heavy Metal]

Sickrecy/SlothPhantomMoth – Split (Awesome & Ordinary Recordings) [Grindcore]

Sunless – Grave of the Lambs (Independent) [Doom]

Swampgrave – Hollow Souls (Iron Fortress Records) [Death / Hardcore]

Tabu – Juegos de muerte (Nebula Forest Productions) [Blackthrash]

Tantrum – No Place for the Damned (Independent) [Power / Heavy Metal]

Teeth – The Will of Hate (Translation Loss Records) [Death]

Temple Witch – Ocean Thousand, Mountain Thousand (WormHoleDeath) [Doom / Sludge]

Vast Pyre – S/T (Independent) [Psych Doom]

Wall – Brick by Brick (APF Records) [Instrumental Sludge]

Wintersun – Time II (Nuclear Blast) [Symphonic Blackened Death / Folk Metal]

Wolfhorde – Bloodmoon Symphonies (Inverse Records) [Symphonic Black / Folk Metal]

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