Track Premiere: Father Befouled – “Impenitent Faith”


In Saint Augustine’s teachings related to original sin, all humans are born with a suppurating spiritual wound, forever in need of the balm of righteousness. This concupiscence, or sinful lust, was inherited by humanity in the Garden of Eden, shearing away the possibility of free will; we became creatures driven only by carnality and intellectual pursuits. In the years since their debut in 2008, Father Befouled has only further cultivated the rot within, making it their (e)mission to broadcast blasphemy through twisting, perverted death metal.

It’s fitting that “Impenitent Faith” begins with cymbal chokes and a steady pounding from the kick drum; within seconds, our souls and holes are coated in a film of filth, courtesy of vocalist Justin Stubbs’ phlegmy gutturals and a truly scuzzy guitar tone. The down-tuned tremolo riffing is simple but makes a visceral impact—we can feel the absence of good made manifest in the low hum of distortion in our chests. When the flow of the song coagulates into death/doom, Chris McDonald’s drumming takes on a processional quality, conjuring images of corruption marching from nave to altar. All around, the scents of sour wine and mildewed bread intermingle, accompanied by gnawing hunger. Through Father Befouled, our salivation is at hand.

Immaculate Pain releases September 13 through Everlasting Spew Records.

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