
This wrestling-themed thrash band is my new favorite thing


Wrestling and metal go together like one goofy, comically violent subculture and another goofy, comically violent subculture.

Have you ever been to Obscene Extreme fest in Czech Republic? I haven’t but performances over the last couple years by Insect Warfare, Grave, and Possessed really makes me wanna check it out. After 365 Days of Horror sent me this rad video of a band hitting a referee with a 2×4 and launching into a sweet thrash tune, my desire to attend Obscene Extreme has increased ten-fold. Apparently, Dutch wrestling-themed metal band PPTA met up with American wrestling-themed metal band Eat the Turnbuckle at last year’s festival for a dual performance/wrestling match.

PPTA features Cactus Don AKA Dunking AKA Donlove on bass guitar, Stone Cold Tommie on drums, Leon of Doom and Ravishing Tom Rude on guitars, and Tiger Nima Singh on vox. Together, they’ve got just the right combination of riffs, catchiness, silliness, and cargo Jncos to capture my attention.

The band has just one record Beaten Broken Bleeding released way back in 2011 and the audio quality is pretty atrocious. But do you really wanna just listen to a band like PPTA on wax? Fuck no! You wanna get the full audio/visual spectacle of overweight thrashers drinking too much and abusing their bodies. Just check out this video the band put together to promote a show:

Delightful. Never stop the chest chops. Bless you, PPTA.

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