TMP: God Dethroned, Suffocation, Tombs, and More!
I have a metric fuckton of new song premieres to share, and not much else. Enjoy this new music Monday.
God Dethroned premiered a new song and video
River Black, a band featuring Municipal Waste and Revocation members, are streaming a new song.
Some more Dragonforce for your earholes.
Suffocation released a new song, announced a release date of June 9.
Tombs released a new track, album out June 16.
Black metal from the Netherlands, Dystopia released a new track.
- More black metal, this time from Canada, Wormwitch released a new song.
- Italian power metal band Labyrinth released a new song.
- Another guitarist was able to get on the Wintersun pyramid scheme board of directors.
- On of my favorite new black metal bands, Woe had a show canceled on them because they played with Inquisition. Can’t we all just find more useful things to be outraged about?
- Dog Fashion Disco re-recorded their song “Anacostia” for their debut’s 20th anniversary.
- UK weird folk band Skyclad released a new song.
- Finish black metal band Ajattara premiered a new video over at Invisible Oranges.
- Killswitch Engage is releasing a beer with Cigar City.
- Enslaved guitarist’s side project Bardspec released a new song.
- Doom band Beastmaker announced a due date of May 19 on their new album.
- Moon Tooth are hard at work in the studio.
- Blackened death metal band Necrophobic (Sweden) signed with Century Media.
- Protest the Hero announced a new bassist.