Toilet Humor: Disqus Greatest Hits Vol. 2

Just as Jeff Goldblum delighted audiences by returning for a second Jurassic Park film, we shall now return to the Disqus Greatest Hits series that I started last year (this time with bonus Ted Nü-Djent related content!)
Here’s the drill folks, the Toilet ov Hell always was – and always will be -a heavy-metal themed blog based on community involvement. We encourage anyone and everyone to join Disqus and engage with us in the comments section of each article. But beware, because anything you say can be screenshot’d and put in my next exhibit! If you are new or relatively quiet, please take this opportunity to introduce yourself and become acquainted with our staff and readers. (And just like last time, I urge you to press play on the following lengthy track, to provide some excellent background music whilst you relax and enjoy the greatness to come).
Let’s start this out with a BEAST of a comeback from our friend Janitor Jim Duggan:
Don’t worry, Dubs definitely had it coming after this admission of a great mistake:
Masterlord SteelDragon asked 15 scienticians for their opinion of heavy metal, and GL gave us his professional assessment of the third respondent:
Speaking of GL…….. IS HE GORAK?
Speaking of GORAK… IS HE GROG?
Everybody remember FrankWhiteKingOfNY? Turns out he’s just on hiatus for a while… or did Ann Kvlter’s Adam’s Apple chase him off?!?!
When somebody mentions “a most hilarious robot”… about whom do you think? If you say anybody other than CyberneticOrganism, you would be incorrect. Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
Exhibit C:
Richter comes in a close second (just without the robot part… or have we all just been fooled?)
Think you’re going to pull a fast one and save Link-created stickers?
Hopefully you all were able to order some dank TovH swag while it lasted, like our resident The Mountain (Waynecro) did:
Lastly, a discussion about humor would not be possible with our resident, dead composer Stockhausen. In regards to a Born of Osiris review from the days of yore (last year):
Are you still reading this? Good! You have now arrived at the bonus features. Let’s talk about Ted Nü-Djent for a moment. He is one of the funnier readers we have the privilege of calling “one of us”. He also happens to be one of the most active users on the Facebook Group so if you run into him, please notify him that we demand more of these little Easter eggs he leaves us within the metal blogosphere…
His Bandcamp review of Mgła:
… of Nekrofilth:
…and VHÖL:
Taking flakk from Sadistikexekution:
…and giving it right bakk:
Thanks for being part of the Toilet ov Hell, everyone! If you’re still here next year, perhaps we’ll see a Volume 3. Until then, I will meet up with you all in the void abyss…
(image via Amazon)