Toilet Radio talks NÜ METAL with Murder Bryan of Street Fight Radio


On this very special episode of Toilet Radio we’re joined by Bryan of anarcho-comedy powerhouse Street Fight Radio! We’re embracing our dirtbag impulses and reminiscing on they heyday of nü metal and pro wrestling. Strap in for a hell of a good time as we discuss drugs (legal and otherwise), Christian hardcore punk, the $1200 backstage Mushroomhead experience, and the universal teenage experience of impotent rage. Other rad shit on this week’s show:

  • How Faith No More may or may not have started nu metal (but they were def the worst nu metal band).
  • Bryan witnessing the riots at Woodstock 99.
  • The working class appeal of Insane Clown Posse.
  • How System of a Down eclipsed Rage Against the Machine as the most politically radical nu metal band.
  • Wrestling death matches and dudes that literally light themselves on fire.

If you dig this ‘sode be sure to check out Street Fight Radio and definitely follow Bryan on Twitter!

Music featured on this episode:
System of a Down – “Spiders” from System of a Down
Candlemass – “Witches” from Candlemass

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