Track Premiere: Chaos bring “Death to the Elite”


Transcending Obscurity is bringing the thrash heat this year. First the venerable underground label introduced us to the killing fields of Assault; now they’re bringing the thunder with Chaos! Eagle-eyed readers will notice that Joe Thrashnkill himself already gave the Indian rippers his mosh approval, so I’m happy as hell to offer you yet another taste of whiplash. Get in here and start swinging to our exclusive track premiere, “Death to the Elite.”

Likely the first thing you’ll notice about “Death to the Elite” are those rip-roaring riffs. Or maybe that trash-tastic snare crrrrrack. Or maybe the fact that vocalist Jayakrishnan spits the same volume of fury and energy as Death Angel‘s Mark Osegueda. Or maybe that this track is short, blistering, and as fun as a case of beer and an arsenal of fireworks on top of a government research lab. Whatever you noticed first, be certain that this song, and the rest of the album, is some of the best down’n’dirty thrash you’re going to hear all year.

And those Death Angel comparisons weren’t dropped in vain, either. Chaos sound like an old-school Bay Area thrash band. They play with the same manic energy and unhinged thrill as the aforementioned Death Angel; their bassist Vishnuworks his fingers with such pluck and vigor that Cluff Burton would be proud; and there’s an absolutely blazing melodic solo at the end that would have brought a tear to the eye of a young, pre-sobriety Dave Mustaine.

Chaos has it all: riffs, energy, and attitude. Who needs to reinvent the wheel when you can set it on fire, piss it out, and headbang yourself to death on its ashes?

All Against All drops June 15. You can check out two other tracks and order the album on Bandcamp here! Forward all medical bills for whiplash treatment to Chaos’s Facebook page.

Many thanks to Transcending Obscurity for the hookup.

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