Track Premiere: Crisis Benoit – The Eternal March of the Dead


Dead in the ring.

I’m sure we’ve all been there: you watch the umpteenth horror flick about a zombie apocalypse, and yet again, nobody in the damn movie has the good sense to just start suplexing the brain-craving moaners to smash their heads on the pavement. Why won’t anybody just dropkick the torsos off those monosyllabic early retirees? Go Boston Crab on the munchers until your tag team partner (there’s always one) has time to shotgun their heads off. It’s not that hard! I could write this movie! Sheesh!

Well, be annoyed no longer, for Italian deathgrind-cum-punk outfit Crisis Benoit has heard your pleas and finally brought together what clearly should have been together all along: horror and wrestling. Aah, what I wouldn’t have given to know about them just a few months ago when I was desperately looking for wrestling intro music!

Today’s premiere, “The Eternal March of the Dead,” would have been an awesome fit, not just for an intro, but for an entire match. The slow buildup gives you enough time to make a menacing entrance into the arena and imposingly walk up to the ring before—right at the minute mark—you unleash relentless grinding fury upon your opponent, and then methodically bat them around the ropes when the song slows back down again.

The members, however, are not only fans, but active contributors in the scene:

“CRISIS BENOIT wrote the entrance theme for the Maltese pro wrestler Gianni Valletta (All Japan Pro Wrestling), for the Italian hardcore tag team Urban Guerrilla, and for the Mexican extreme wrestling federation Zona23 [and] collaborated with ‘Rise Underground Pro Wrestling’ for a music/deathmatch show in Leeds (UK).”

That’s the full package right there. Or maybe the Full Nelson? I don’t know any other wrestling moves. But I do know that these guys sound nastier than a backyard wrestling match in a sewage pit, and their debut full-length El Culto De La Muerte is out via Slaughterhouse Records on June 10th.

Pre-order here

Follow the band here

And Check out the video for the title track!

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