Toilet Radio Gets Morbid with Steve Tucker


We got Steve Tucker of the legendary Morbid Angel to join us on this episode of Toilet Radio! Hot damn! Me and the boys introduce the show by discussing the history of Morbid Angel, their sound, and the bands they’ve influenced. After that, Steve drops by to tell us all about the new album, recording with Erik Rutan, and the rumor mill that surrounded their latest tour. Also, we discuss national news media, missionaries, death metal past and present, clean singing in metal, and we find out Steve’s current favorite metal band. Folks, it’s a good one.

Music featured on this show:
Morbid Angel – “Prayer of Hatred” from Formulas Fatal to the Flesh
Morbid Angel – “Piles of Little Arms” from Kingdoms Disdained (Preorder)

CORRECTION: I misspoke on the show. I said “Skillet” when I meant “Skrape”. I am a dumbass and I apologize. The poster for this crazy lineup is below:

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