Video Premiere: Rise to the Sky – “Life in Suspense”


Hailing from Chile, Rise to the Sky shares soaring riffs and poignant grief on “Life in Suspense.” This prolific one-man atmospheric doom act debuts the video ahead of a third full-length in two years in September, Per Aspera Ad Astra. This track typifies an emotive, string-soaked LP full of riffs that modulate between heartfelt loss and the solace that follows. As a soulful doom record, Per Aspera Ad Astra is close to the source, following sole Rise to the Sky member Sergio González Catalán’s loss of his father earlier this year. He says of the record:

On Wednesday January 6, 2021 my father, Sergio González Bombardiere, passed away suddenly. We buried [him] on Friday, [and] I went home afterwards with certain relief that he had already received a proper funeral and that it was now time for us to grieve. On that weekend, while trying to cope with this new reality, I went to my studio, and having no idea what to say or do, I wrote the song “Per Aspera Ad Astra.”

The “Life in Suspense” video opens with a quote from the deceased: “With death, time stops, matter fades, present and future cease to exist, and only the past remains.” The video is as vulnerable as its contents, featuring shots of the wide Pacific, characters separated by time and space, and intimate performance shots of the younger Sergio that contrast with the track’s sweeping ambience. Check it out below:

Per Aspera Ad Astra will be released independently on CD and Bandcamp September 3rd.

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