A Celebration of Built: 28 Years of Blowey Joey


In 1987, a small, squalling child was born in a rural area of Texas. There were no survivors. Today we honor his memory. Happy birthday, Joseph B. Thrashnkill.

That’s right, folks. Our own Papa Joe is turning 28 today. He’s pretty freaked out about it, and for good reason. 28 is the new 40. However, Joe’s done a pretty good thing for us by creating an excellent blog to discuss metal and shame weeaboos, so I reached out to some other folks to see if they had any kind words to share about our commander in chief. These are their stories.

“George Clarke, Acclaimed Metal Vocalist of Deafheaven, has nothing on Papa Joe.” – W.

“Always and forever.” – your Masterlover

Words of wisdom from Da Fish God

Dagon proves that Joe Thrashnkill is an institution

“May all your dreams come true.” – Dagon

“Pa-pah, pa-pah, what do you dream of?” Joe: ”never mind, you wouldn’t understand” – Lacertilian

"Some day Tay Tay will succumb to the charms of the Swole Texan from Austin. And she will gaze up him and say….." - Ron Deuce

“Some day Tay Tay will succumb to the charms of the Swole Texan from Austin. And she will gaze up him and say…..” – Ron Deuce

"May the dragon's flame brighten your birthday." - banRandall

“May the dragon’s flame brighten your birthday.” – banRandall

Link Leonhart was unable to make an embarrassing photo chop for you on account of his third world internet, but he wanted me to convey this.

“I’m contacting you through my magic half-elf powers, channeling the arcane waves to send this message to you. I am on a dangerous quest slaying some criminals in a nasty Venezuelan place, but I’m wishing Joe a great birthday and another year full of good moments and strenght to carry on through the hardships. I raise my beverage in this desolate place to you, pal!”

In the interest of posting more than dank memes that will only appeal to those who made them and to the victim himself, here’s some cool stuff that Joe likes and that you should like too.

Happy birthday, Papa Joe.

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