Flush it Friday: Ya Boid is COVID-FREE, Kehd


‘Member that brief window of time when we thought being fully vaccinated could return us to a modicum of normality? I ‘member. Now that my brief return to the office (RIP July 2021-July 2021) has been ended due to a potential exposure to COVID D-Luxe, all I have to say is, welcome back pajamas. After getting my beakholes penetrated in a strange fly-in clinic, I am glad to say I don’t have the -itis. I will make sure to do nothing useful with the commute time that the Coronavirus has so graciously returned to me. I might even get to listen to some podcast made by some nerds once in a while!

The Head HonchJoe shoved us all in the walk-in with this pixelated premiere:

TOMB RAIDIN’ TRACK PREMIERE: Alchemy of Flesh – Fiamma Nera Rites


Toilet Radio 319 – The THOR Interview

My Amarcord was tenderized until very, very bright red this TDT. I thank Spear and Edenic Past:

Tech Death Thursday: Edenic Past – Red Amarcord

IGoM got wined and dined during his date with Rejecter:

Our Cup Runneth Over: Premiering Rejecter’s The Vulgar Wine

Hey, I miss you all. G/B/Us with extra detail. For me.

Yours Owlways,

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