
Premiere: Graveborn – “Embers of Existence”


(Altered Beast voice) WISE FWOM YOUW GWAVE

It has been very satisfying watching Graveborn evolve over the years. They’ve followed a trajectory similar to Kardashev, going from somewhat out-there deathcore band with interesting ideas to a progressive powerhouse that isn’t afraid to get a little ignorant with it sometimes. You can hear it for yourselves in a few minutes just by checking out the other premieres McNulty has done for them in the past; naturally, when the opportunity arose to present the next stage of their evolution, I had to take it.

Their song for you today, “Embers of Existence,” is a step in a more technical, more melodic direction. It’s more intricate and complex than what we’ve heard from them in the past, full of densely layered melodies and instrumental interplay that speak to the band’s love of their craft. And that improvement seems to have been the driving force behind this material- hit play on the video below, and check out what they have to say about the tune:

“Embers Of Existence” is a meditation on the curse of solipsism that every human endures, and the gratification that blossoms when we form connections with others. In a time where cold algorithms dominate the paths we explore to find those connections, it is all the more important to cultivate the warmth of community, shared experience, and collaboration. Every human mind is an ember that, with enough kindling, can ignite a sympathetic flame that insulates us from the frostbitten abyss of isolation.

Graveborn has been making music together for over a decade, and Embers represents a high point in our collaboration. With the inclusion of Marc Brennan as our drummer in 2021, we share a brotherhood rooted in the creation of metal that celebrates constant self-evaluation, improvement, and the crucible of honing a craft that all musicians put themselves through.

You can support Graveborn on Bandcamp and follow them on Instagram. If enough of us ask nicely, maybe they’ll do a new album soon.

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