Flush It Friday: Third-Eye Focus


No good, no bad, no ugly. This week I’m going to flip this shit around.

Normally, the Friday Flushing is our time to complain and focus on the negative shit getting around. Even though I’ve considered going on a Friday ranting spree before, I’ve felt that should I open the torrents of hatred it would undoubtedly fill the bowl and end up staining the floor tiles. While leaving a giant mess for our Toilet overlords to clean up would be fun, I don’t think it would ease the problems any of us face. So today I propose something different, I’m going to focus on something to distract us from the fucked-up things happening in our minds, our lives and all over the world.

This year our humble home, this lovable little latrine in which we dwell, has released some undeniably killer content. Considering we don’t have paid commercials or a marketing unit, I’m going to take it upon myself to spotlight some of the excellent articles the writers here have spent their precious and often scant free time on. So I think it is only fair to give them the respect they rightly deserve.

Ed has been consistently dishing out bouts of news, noise and noose-tightening sounds. My personal pick was his excellent in-depth interview with Doug Moore from Pyrrhon, where they covered such ground as skronk, cancer, gettin’ swole and the ethics of bringing more people into this world. Check it out here.

In between hunting down that little prick John Conner and reprimanding those that refer to him as a replicant or a mere robot, Cybernetic Organism has been choppin’ photos, reviewing gigs, interviewing A7X fans and recommending films. Being that prolific is surely only possible due to his complex circuitry. The series which always cracks me up is the adventures of B’Dubs Bro(s).

Everyone’s favourite avocado-based Dip has been sporadically dropping a wide-variety of engaging and often provocative material. Whether it be shitting on Quentin Tarantino, reminding you that you’re a music snob or uploading bruised butt pics, he’s never boring. There was even that time he finally wrote about metal!

The baby pumpkin HessianHunter has been reviewing, interviewing, posting exclusive streams and had a major part to play in the Best Unsigned Band Comp. His Maeth tour diary series earlier this year was a highlight for me, as aside from the wild and often funny stories, I got to vicariously ‘tour’ the Western half of the USA with the great road-snaps he took.

The underwater deity Dagon has been busy becoming a Doctor, but that hasn’t stopped him posting some excellent stoner material, news roundups, hip-hop, chilled tunes and other oddities. Was tough for me to choose between his recent interview/review with Regarde Les Hombre Tomber or the killer reviews of Elder and Saturndust. I chose South American psychedelic space doom.

Sticking on the South American tip, the noble Venezuelan and most exalted malandro slayer Link has been consistently bringing to the table a range of folk, melodic, groundbreakers and even cooking up amazing merol chicken (Source: I tried it and it rules). My favourite piece happens to be his most recent, his brief guide to neo-folk. His emotive writing style is above and beyond. See for yourself!

Perhaps the saving grace of this porcelain bowl is the mighty Spear. Apart from taking over Tech-Death Thursday, he also has the unenviable task of rifling through ALL of the new music in order to compile the excellent and comprehensive guide that is This Toilet Tuesday, and then do it all over again. Every. Fucking. Week. His highly celebrated intros are always the stand-out, I can’t pick just one.

The bowl-father, Papa Joe, of thrashing and killing fame, has somehow managed to maintain a degree of sanity whilst keeping this place afloat. Adrift among the stools and paper pulps that are strewn throughout the bowl of life, he has handled collisions, numerous flushings and the general stench of all of us, the filthy fucks who inhabit this place. How he does this without spin-kicking us all into oblivion is beyond me. Maybe because people make wacky birthday posts for him? Actually, looking at that, it is more likely that he is just as filthy as the rest of us.

Last but by no means least, is W. He might have been a shitty pres, but this dude knows how to write. The topic could be; music, horror, art, lolbuttz, weirdness, skronk, film, lyrics, both traditional & avant-garde reviews, interviews, cooking, video games, fantasy, literature or just about anything else imaginable, and somehow he keeps it captivating. All of his work is high-end quality, which is no mean feat considering he writes upwards of 5 pieces every damn week. One of my favourite pieces was his Beksiński and Heavy Metal – A Surreal Love Story.

Sorry I didn’t have time to include everyone who writes for the site, this actually took a lot more time than I originally imagined. Now it’s time for you to post your weekly flushings, or maybe champion an article you enjoyed this year.

(Image via)

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