Flush it Friday: Rolderambient


As a younger owl, I used to shy away from anything close to the “ambient” label; it was synonymous with boredom, 20-minute songs with no calories and no drums. Ah, to be a fledgling once more, with no need for rest or meditation (read: time away from blastbeats); no understanding of life after formal education. After being thrown to the corporate wolves, I developed an urgent need to calm the h*qq down once in a while. (Well, at least that’s what I assume the panic attacks were trying to tell me.)

Long story short: friendship ended with Italian drummer blasturbation, now ambient electronica is my best friend. This fantastic label was mentioned in TovH Discord, and just about everything on there is delicious. This mix has become my default relaxation tune. What’s your musical coping mechanism?

I wrapped up Cormorant‘s Porcelain Throne after some serious procrastination:

The Porcelain Throne – Cormorant (Or: Creatures of Other Mould, Part 2)

We descended into an icy grave with Sepulcrustacean‘s winter edition of Catacomb Ventures:

Catacomb Ventures – Tenfold Terror of Early Winter

Lord of Bork both slammed and jammed in this VHS review:

VHS Go Interstellar with Gore From Beyond the Stars

We got a fever, and the only prescription was more Karhu:

A Feverish, Red Dream of the Heroes of The Wand, Grim Stones, a Cult and a Pact with the Ol’ Nick

G/B/Us, chill-out tunes and any BC FRIDAY hauls much appreciated in the space below.

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