Riff Of The Week: The Slick Sikh’s Sixth Sheep’s Siqqq


Say that six hundred and sixty six times. Go on…we’ll wait. Fine, just say it once then. Alright, just read it in your head and scoff internally then. Whatever. I hate you.

Last week we had a good ol’ fashioned Free-For-All and the blistering Ouijidude riff shredded the competition. I’m currently celebrating by destroying a pile of Belgian waffles doused in a dubbel-infused syrup while yelling Flemish obscenities at the neighbour’s cat. Business as usual, really.

This week we asked for riffs from any album’s sixth song. Here they are –


Iced Earth – “Desert Rain”

Waaaay too many choices this week.  Apparently “Track 6” means “epic riffs” for most album composers. In the end I had to be the fanboy once again. Just set aside Jon Schaffer’s… Shall we say “unique” political and societal theories, and focus on the killer, chugging, galloping riffage from old school Iced Earth.

Ted Nu-Djent

Vhöl – “Arising”

By the time this weeks ROTW rolls around it will be my 40th birthday and by the time this weeks ROTW goes live I’ll either be still in full swing and making incoherent comments below or I’ll be in a coma, hopefully in my own bed and not in a gutter somewhere. While with my impending oldness, it was tempting to post something old to remind me of my youth , but as of writing this blurb I am still in my 30’s so I best be offering something you kids might enjoy before I fade completely into dad rock oblivion. So with that in mind I offer you “Arising”, the  6th track off Vhöl’s excellent self titled debut album,  from the 0:30 second mark to about 1.40 they’re be boppin’ and scattin’ and I’m losin’ it. My favourite track off the album and I hope you all enjoy it too. If not, would it be unethical to ask for some sympathy birthday votes? Cheers


Convulsing – “Invocat”

The thirdth riffth in the sixth songth on Convlusingth’s firstth albumth, Erratath, is pretty sickth. So sickth youth gonnath dieth listenthing to itth. Riffth at 0th:51th.


Hæthen – “In Absence Of The Eternal”

After nearly 2 years listening to this album I’m yet to tire of its fog-shrouded mystique, every time I listen it draws me in deeper still. There’s no doubt in my mind that I’ll still be enjoying this in twenty years time, provided I’m not dead by then, and when such a time comes, the riff at 4:26 will provide a fitting accompaniment for the march towards the unknown.

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Next week, considering BossTheRoss has been going crazy all damn week about some Texan Independence Day, we’re going to be enablers and do Texan riffs. The band you choose your riff from must be from Texas. Your (yes YOU!) instructions are as follows:

  • Choose a riff
  • Copy its YouTube link
  • Write a short description that includes a time-stamp of said riff
  • Use your screen-name as the subject line
  • Send to toiletovhellriff@gmail.com
  • Slap your thigh and yell “Yee-fucken-haw” while firing a revolver in the air.
  • Deep-fry copies of the constitution in crude oil.
  • Fondle your bag of testosterone while talking about secession.
  • Profit?
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