Album Premiere: Dead World Reclamation – “Aura of Iniquity”


Something for you melomaniacs this afternoon.

Fans of melodic death metal aren’t starved for choice these days; the genre has evolved a million different ways since its inception, and it’s hardly all In Flames knockoffs (though there are plenty of those around, yes). Whether you’re looking for something chill and emotional or something dirty and aggressive, there’s going to be something for you. The premiere I bring you today comes from my personal favorite offshoot of the melodic death metal tree: the kind that dabbles in tech death while letting the melody and the hooks reign supreme.

Dead World Reclamation play a style of melodeath that’s tried and true, and they are masters of their craft. The sound of Aura of Iniquity is familiar enough to have instant appeal, but the variety from song to song coupled with the band’s penchant for fluid, wicked riffing makes it a compelling listen end to end. Fans of the dancing fretwork of CarnosusWretched, and the tech-leaning The Black Dahlia Murder albums are going to feel right at home with this album. It chugs, it shreds, and it’s just about the most fun one can have with the genre. I’ll shut up now so you can listen to it:

Aura of Iniquity launches this Friday, April 23rd, and you can preorder it now on Bandcamp. You can follow Dead World Reclamation on various social media outlets as well.

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