Come On and Slam with Lamb of God, Death Grips, and Taylor Swift!


I’m still deeply, deeply embittered by the fact that one of my first posts for the Toilet was ripped off and uncredited by pretty much every other metal blog out there. Buncha jive turkeys. Still, I marshaled on in the face of this travesty and continued to strive to bring you fine folks articles full of journalistic integrity. Well, as fate would have it, this Good Friday has afforded me an opportunity to revisit the land of Slamshead and bask in the glory that is the Slam community.

No, I’m not talking about that slam community. I’m of course referring to the dedicated remix community that seeks to intertwine the gilded fabric of Space Jam into every other artistic endeavor. It is my great pleasure to once again unveil some quality slams for you good people. I’m already operating under the conceit that you’re all aware Space Jam is the greatest film of all time, so rather than pondering the philosophical reasons for the melding of that defining work with other objets d’art, I instead wanted to identify individual slams that will likely appeal to certain demographics in our fine bowl. Without further adieu, here are the slams I’ve hand-picked for you my friends.



Look, I know Lamb of God aren’t exactly that troo or kvlt, but I do know there are probably two or three of you who do dig them. Therefore, it makes perfect sense to amalgamate LoG’s biggest hit with the most anthemic song ever written. Plus, this is one of the few metal slams I could find.


Eclipse of the Slam

This one’s for me. And Spear. And Randall Thor. For those of you not in the know, my continuity of nerdy, sex-repelling interests flows something like this.


I’m a big fan of the Legend of Zelda series, and I have been for a long, long time. This slam, featuring a cut-up of a track off Hyrule Warriors, touches me in ways that if Link touched me like that, I’d say, “Awwwwww yeeaaaahhhh!”



I know I’m not the only one ’round these parts that pines for Savatage. Still, if you’re forced to listen to Chrimbus music, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, the spiritual successor of Savatage, are about as good as it gets. Save this slam for next festivus then challenge your granny to a dunking contest or the Feats of Strength. This will surely give your flimsy arms the power to overcome.


Neutral Slam Hotel

If Death Grips, Smash Mouth, and Neutral Milk Hotel were different liquors, you’d probably never think to mix them together in a cocktail. Yet, that’s what this audacious slammer has done, and it turns out Space Jam is the key ingredient to make the whole thing do down smooth. Ed and the other hiphopheads should dig this. Or hipster Austinites with their jean-bottoms rolled up.


Come On Slam It Off

This one’s for Joe. Hey Tay-Tay, please answer his calls. I can’t handle hearing him cry over the phone anymore.

All of these slams via Go exploring and find your own favorite slam, then share it in the comments.

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