Riff ov the Week: Bands Whose Names End with the Letters “er”

I’m just going to keep picking dumbass categories like this one until someone gives me a theme.
Do you realize how many different combinations of letters I could use for similar themes? I could pick bands that end with “at”, for example. Hell, I could do bands that end in “th”, “ed”, or “on”. Alternatively, I could go with bands that start with certain letters. “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”, “F”, all the way up to “Z”. Or a large number of combinations of 2. Or even 3! I swear to you; I will do every single one until I get some recommendations.
Next week:
- We’re only taking bands whose names end with the letters “th”, in that order.
- Send your riffs to toiletovhellriff@gmail.com. Include your name, a link, a description, and the time of the riff.
- Let’s do this!
“Bulldozer or die, poser!” — Dr. Seuss
If you didn’t think I would submit Mammoth Grinder you are a stupid person with poor predictive abilities. “Moral Crux” is pretty much one big fuckall riff that punches you in the dick with your own arm and asks you mockingly “Why do you keep punching yourself in the dick with your own arm, dork??”. It starts at 0:19.
Dubs with the deep thrash cut FTW. 10 seconds when the drums roll in.
Hotdog Clifford
Er… the main riff I choose.
Howard Dean
The day has arrived.
Lots of classic bands will be submitted and one of them will probably win. Still, no one will be able to deny the power of this young band’s start stop riff. One of the greatest finds from our “Best Unsigned Band In The US” contest.
Ron Deuce
Terrorizer’s World Downfall is one of the best grindcore albums of all time that still holds up today. The riff that starts at :30 goes perfectly with Pete Sandoval’s menacing blast beat. This combo is on another level of intensity that is only found in the upper echelon of the grind game.
I have always loved my own cultural heritage, and Einherjer from my neighboring city has always delivered on that front. First riff is the riff. Does there exist better music? Yes. Is this riff still awesome? Yes.
Last year’s Fimbulwinter pissed off a few long time Satanic Warmaster fans with it’s polished production values, but there’s no denying the quality of the riffs on display. Riff starts during the thunder at 0:00.
As I perused my music library, it occurred to me that I have way more bands that end in “or” than in “er…” and I thought about submitting one, like Kreator, and pawning it off as “I PRONOUNCE IT ‘ER!'” …But I digress. How about these groovy sick licks from one of the best female-fronted power metal bands in the business? A nice bluesy stroll behind the Dio-esque vocals of Nina Osegueda. [Back the Kickstarter for their new album with killer perks here. — Masterlord]
Pallbearer ist best bearer. Starts at the start.
Ted Nü-Djent
I was tempted to go back to the well and submit another Enforcer track. Then I rememdered the riff at the end of “Eyes Bleached” by God Mother. I recommend you start listening from about 3:30, but the actual riff kicks in at about 3:43 and continues through until the end of the track when it breaks down (not THAT type of breakdown) into a terrible mess of white noise and distortion. Listen HERE. [Sorry, embed is being wonky. — Masterlord]