Flush It Friday: FUN FUN FUN


It’s Friday. You best flush it out, son.

I’m gonna keep this brief because there’s a lot of music to see. It’s Fun Fun Fun Fest weekend in Austin and I plan on getting all up in that. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the annual festival. Starting initially as a tiny affair with nothing but small punk/metal and indie acts, it’s blown up to include megabig acts. Every year I think will be my last; too much EDM, not enough extreme music, but this will be my 9th year in attendance anyway. Check out the lineup below, y’all.

I’m going to do my best to see Watain and Mayhem Saturday night. Should I succeed, I will report back on all of the blood-soaked details and attempt to capture the horrified reactions of my lady friend.



Oh, right. It’s Flush It Friday, the post of the week in which we bitch about that which causes bitching, and fête the things what gotsta be fêted.

GOOD: Music n’ shit.
BAD: I am sick. I have been sick. I will probably continue to be sick until the Earth is smothered by the warm embrace of the sun. It’s annoying.
UGLY: Fallout 4 drops next week and I’ll never see any of you again : (

It’s your turn. Get it all off your chest and then try to have a little fun this weekend.


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