Flush It Friday: Horny Greek Patricide Edition


Because what’s the point of killing your dad over and over if you can’t bone the god of death afterwards?

These days, in between the soul-crushing 9 – 5 grind and writing for a shit fetishist site disguised as a metal blog (or vice versa, I can never remember which), I’ve been dumping unhealthy amounts of time into Hades, the newest hack’n’slash from Supergiant Games. Apparently so is everyone else if Nintendo and Steam numbers are anything to go by, and it’s not hard to see why; busting out of the underworld as the son of the titular god involves repeatedly throwing yourself into the ever-shifting chambers of Tartarus, fighting your way through its denizens, and eventually facing off against Hades himself on the banks of the Styx. Combat is fast-paced and fluid, and even when you fail (which you will- a lot), the rewards you accrue stick with you. It strikes a good balance of increasing player strength and avatar strength, and the relatively short time it takes to complete a run makes it very easy to both play in short bursts or try a bunch in a row. Naturally, being rooted in Greek mythology, it’s also very thirsty.


But battling past your dominatrix Fury ex-girlfriend and a skeletal Lernean hydra is just one piece of the experience; the art, dialog, and voice acting are all top-tier as well, as anyone who’s played any of Supergiant’s previous games (BastionTransistorPyre) would likely expect. There’s a surprisingly earnest and heartfelt story about forgiveness and reconnecting with family told between your repeated attempts to murder your dad, and the voice actors do a great job of bringing it all to life. The game is also gorgeous, and not just because all the characters are literally the Olympian ideation of beauty; each area looks like a painting in motion, and combined with the effects, it’s very much a treat for the eyes.


Oh, and the soundtrack rules butts.

But anyway, that’s enough nerd shit. Onto some of the cool, definitely not nerdy shit we talked about this week:

Karhu hit us with a Deluge of reviews:

October Roundup: Dungeon Synth, Death, Thrash, Doom & Black Metal

The boys sat down with Zena, The Real Queen of Horror, to chat Mausoleum:

Toilet Radio 270 – MAUSOLEUM (1983) w/ Zena Dixon

Hans shared his affinity for deer skulls, Svalbard, and Lord Almighty:

Deerest Skulls: Svalbard and Lord Almighty

I have proven myself a liar by including more openly nerdy shit in this weekly rundown:

Tech Death Thursday: Luna’s Call – Void

IGoM dun learnt us about Dead Now:

Not Dead Yet: Dead Now is for the Living

It’s Friday. Flush away your woes.

(Images VIA, VIA, VIA)

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