Flush it Friday: Sonspotting


You know all of those times you read a thing on the innernette and you instantly know it was fabricated for sweet, sweet karma? This isn’t one of those times. Today, while setting up a company’s profile in a live production environment, I unwittingly spelled “Division” as “Divison.” It was in that moment I knew, He was with me. We were on an African shore, above an azure sea, whitecaps as far as the horizon. Everything was filtered like a faded photograph, the lenses were dark as dusk. The Son smiled upon me. So what if I’ll have to submit a JIRA ticket to have the employer’s legal company name fixed? So what if I’ll be ridiculed by my colleagues? I call it a Danian slip, and I’ll always take them in stride, for I know in these Sacred moments, this is simply my Cross to bear. Oh yeah, we got some good shid for you this week btw fam:

Ben Serrrna-Grrrey talked all things Igorrr in this double review/interview smörgåsbord:

Review and Interview: Igorrr-Spirituality and Distortion

The Boiz ooh-wah-ah-ah-ah’d through a special Coronavirus edition of Toilet Radio:

Toilet Radio 235: Pandemic! At the Metal Show

365 revived the deprived Shirt Stains feature with some scathing (Ob)servations on Psycroptic merch:

Shirt Stains: Psycr-optic

This food is tiny as h*qq, say a big thanks to the fam who cooked them up for y’all:

Mini-Reviews From Around the Bowl: 3/12/20

I want to see some wild Sonposts down below. Just because I don’t have as much time anymore doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. And toss in a G/B/U while you’re at it.

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