Flush it Friday: Teased by Bandcamp


The clock strikes midnight, and you eagerly await the chance to scoop up a couple of brand-new albums on Bandcamp. Phone in hand, you wait for the inevitable emails, but then a minute passes. Sweat beads on your brow and a muscle spasms in the corner of your eye. All is not right. You wait until 12:10am, and from then on, the dizziness of panic sets in. Facebook messages, Bandcamp messages, messages on Bandcamp to the record label—there is no sweet release. You are at the mercy of an invisible timer. There, there, allow me to console you with some of this week’s highlights.

Sepulcrustacean saw stars in his review of Starborn‘s Savage Peace.

Review: Starborn – Savage Peace

Joe and (Golden Boy) Jordan summoned Crust Punk Jesus to give Lambesis a purple nurple.

Toilet Radio 206: It’s a hit, man!

Hans documented his journey from Disillusion to delight with a look at the band’s long-awaited third album.

Two Reviews In One: Disillusion – The Liberation

Lacertilian ripped us all a new one with a premiere of Ripper‘s new EP.

Premiere: Ripper – Sensory Stagnation

Go forth, and shitpost!

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