Free Flush Vol 4


Here’s a real mixed bag. So mixed that I don’t know if anyone will enjoy all of these but if you are that person, then we should be talking. Three of these albums are from interviewing mathcore bands and it just so happened they all had free albums well worth getting. I won’t have TOO much other core this time so don’t worry, there’s some simp music here too.

I just had a very sudden and very real fear that no one cares about this anymore. Feel free to comment to reaffirm this, perhaps I’ll switch to albums that are over $15 only.

Hang on, I forgot how these things are formatted *Checks out previous articles*

Vol 1Vol 2Vol 2.5Vol 3

The Motion Mosaic – Avant-Garbage

February 22, 2020
Mathcore/Metalcore from America
Artwork by Caleb Butcher
FFO: The Dillinger Escape Plan, Converge

This one came out of nowhere, I found it on Bandcamp when it wasn’t free and it blew me away both in terms of visual and audio. It’s a less explorative form of mathcore compared to a lot of the jazzy and post-hardcore styled stuff. Its focus is on energy building which is done effectively. They utilize superb melodic hardcore elements to bring levity to the heaviness. This is some goosebumps shit when you least expect it to be. This is going to be an album I take with me for a long time, it really hits the spot.


The Great Lie – Defying Extinction

April 13, 2020
Hardcore punk from America
Artwork by Joe Mruk
FFO: Black Flag, Sonic Youth

One of the first bits of info you’ll see on their page is that recording was done with Martin Bisi (Sonic Youth, Unsane) and he clearly left a big mark, as you’ll hear that vintage grunge sound. I really dig it and think it elevates the material. There’s a solid sound thesis here and some decent vocals. It takes the basics of hardcore punk and sexes them up on the production side. The lyrical emphasis brings me back to Rollins in the best possible way. It’s a damn good time.


Orbyssmal – Impostomb

April 15, 2020
Raw black metal from Australia
Artwork by Orbyssmal
FFO: The sound the bathtub makes when you pull the plug out.

Orbyssmal is the kind of project I rarely cover as it’s a genre of wild inconsistency and lazy work ethics. This guy however has clearly made improvements since I heard the first release last year. He’s in control of every aspect of the releases and compared to many similar projects there’s a lot of interesting ideas in here. I like the wordplay of the tracks and I think a lot of what separates this project from others is that he uses an 8-string guitar and a 5-string bass. We’re deep underground here, this isn’t intended for everyone.


Seek Nothing – More Evil

April 1, 2020
Metallic hardcore from Germany
FFO: Horse The Band, Knocked Loose

An exceptional hardcore album rooted in metal with slower progressions and a sense of absolute despair that is typically missing from hardcore genres. Less bravado and more repeatedly punching yourself in the face for saying the wrong thing once and now your brain won’t let that moment go. Also some well placed anger at aspects of the establishment, which is more expected. There’s a good amount of music here and the band is “breaking up” so get on it. The quotations are there because they told me it’s more of a Bane retirement where they tour this album for the next 5 years before hanging it up once and for all.


Paingiver – Deorum Mortis

March 2, 2020
OSDM from America
Artwork by Misanthropic Art
FFO: Cerebral Rot, Tomb Mold

Some of you will groan and some of you will moan, such is the polarizing effect of old school death metal in 2020 thanks to its intense popularity. It’s a fairly straightforward but highly enjoyable debut EP with some great art from an increasingly prominent artist in the underground scene. It doesn’t have a huge twist like sci-fi elements or anything like that, but it does present with some blackened thrash vibes. It’s a much faster style of OSDM than some of the lo-fi darlings of late.


Solus – Mournival

February 28, 2020
Symphonic black metal from Sweden
Artwork by Clayshaper
FFO: Symphonic black metal in general

Again, some will groan and some will moan but take a listen to this and tell me it’s not an impressive effort for one man. Full blown bands manage to fuck up symphonics on the reg but this dude has honed in on it and the result is undeniably epic. I was a fan of his previous release Insight from last year which is also name your own price. It’s by a fan of the genre for fans of the genre with influences like Lovecraft and Warhammer 40k. I just made some of you wet, if you are wet then proceed to click this Bandcamp embed. Otherwise please continue with your life and don’t get angry at me.

The Number Twelve Looks Like You – Mongrel

June 19, 2007
Mathcore from America
FFO: The Callous Daoboys, Fear Before, Rolo Tomassi
The Number Twelve got back together in 2016 with a new rhythm section and Wild Gods (2019) was their first LP in a decade. Along with this return comes the label Silent Pendulum Records which is repressing a bunch of The Number Twelve merch along with a bunch of other math and jazz bands. As an added bonus the releases are name your own price for digital albums. The Number Twelve are also apparently working on even more new material which is fan-fucking-tastic. Mongrel is an ICONIC mathcore album that you’ll want to catch up on. It has energy, it has melancholy and most importantly it has moxie.

Frontierer – Unloved

July 27, 2018
Metallic hardcore from Scotland
FFO: Converge, Sectioned
Hey, fuck you, that’s why. What a clusterfuck this album is, does it sound good? No! Does it make you want to throw your “morning monster” coffee mug at the fucking wall? Yeah! Much like Sectioned, their thesis seems to be creating the heaviest hardcore they can using whatever other elements are considered necessary, such as electronics and a batshit frenetic rhythm section. In some circles this is somewhat a modern classic and it’s free so consider it a bonus whether you want it or not. DON’T listen to it while looking at the Nandcamp page… you’ve been warned.
Another 8 down, that’s 45 QUALITY ™ free albums so far since starting this. Don’t say Carcassbomb hasn’t got you covered. Why would you say that?
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