List: Your Top Albums Of 2002 Revealed


The results are in for your fave albums from 2002. Get in and get mad about it here.

A few weeks ago we decided to take a look back at the years before the site existed to see what you flushers deemed to be the top metal albums from that accursed time. Starting with 2013, we polled across both the Toilet ov Hell Social Club and through Disqus, which led to some fairly similar results overall with a few albums only making an appearance on one of the forums. However, using an advanced technique I’ve dubbed Social Media Ranking Tyranny (SMRT), the discrepancies between the two have been ironed-out and a definitive ‘best of’ list has been extrapolated.

Why didn’t we just use the results from one platform?
I started this in our fb group for a bit of fun, not thinking it would evolve into blog content. Mainly though, it’s due to a reasonable proportion of our community using fb but not disqus, while some use disqus but not fb.

Why didn’t we just tally the total number of votes?
A fair number of people also use both platforms, so if we used this method the results would skew harder towards their faves as they’d effectively have had double the votes relative to others.

So in the end we had to devise a fairer system which relied predominantly on a ranked average position across both lists. Make sure you shit your pants over it though, it’s very important stuff.

While not as much of a banner year as 2004, this particular year seems to have been another where Relapse Records hit hard. Also seems that Disqus’ continued love of High On Fire, Boris, and Down was not reciprocated on FB this time around. While Disqus shunned the offerings from Xasthur, Arcturus, and Woods Of Ypres whose albums performed relatively well over on FB.

So here are your top records across platform for 2002

25. Cephalic Carnage – Ludic Interval

24. Tom Waits – Blood Money

23. Symphony X – The Odyssey

22. Falconer – Chapters From A Vale Forlorn

21. The Chasm – Conjuration Of The Spectral Empire

20. Mithras – Forever Advancing…… Legions

19. Dark Tranquility – Damage Done

18. Bathory – Nordland I

17. Immolation – Unholy Cult

16. Bloodbath – Resurrection Through Carnage

15. Porcupine Tree – In Absentia

14. The Red Chord – Fused Together In Revolving Doors

13. The Dillinger Escape Plan – Irony Is A Dead Scene

12. Amon Amarth – Versus The World

11. Decapitated – Nihility

10. Blind Guardian – A Night At The Opera

9. Killswitch Engage – Alive Or Just Breathing

8. Meshuggah – Nothing

7. Isis – Oceanic

6. Queens Of The Stone Age – Songs For The Deaf

5. Opeth – Deliverance

4. Nile – In Their Darkened Shrines

3. Agalloch – The Mantle

2. Immortal – Sons Of Northern Darkness

1. Mastodon – Remission


Check out the results from 2003-2013 here

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