Premiere: 2020 Wasn’t An Aberration But This Is…

“Trump was an aberration!” – your lib fb friend
“[catastrophic weather event] was an aberration” – science skeptic
“2020 is an aberration!” – 98% of your news feed
“No, this is an Aberration” – you, after hearing this
Let’s be real, a lot of things are touted as “aberrations”. It seems to comfort people. Rather than admit that they are just expressions borne from the systems we’ve created, the masses like to cast them off as some kind of singular oddity, bearing no attachment to the material conditions for which we’re communally responsible. However, if you too can fast forward to 2024 to see President Kid Rock announce his 24-pack of Brawndo stimulus package to every struggling moisture-farmer inhabiting the Great Oregon Desert, then you’ll agree – these events are not mere aberrations. If you want to witness a true Aberration, then today’s track premiere will please you.
Aberration combine members of personal (and TovH) faves Suffering Hour, Void Rot, and Nothingness, to venture deep within the uhhhh.. void. Over three tracks the newly formed outfit (like that soiled suit you wear to every formal engagement) delve deep within the psyche and evoke some of the most acrid atmosphere(s) you’ll ever encounter. Today we’re premiering the final track from the band’s upcoming debut EP, which is quite an affront after the almost hypnotic build-up to the record’s finale. Reminiscent of the impending claustrophobic dread of Impetuous Ritual or even the soul-consuming self-abrogation of Ifrinn, these three tracks have left me adrift in a hallucinatory haze of annihilation, and I can think of no other appropriate way to end 2020. Time for you to dive right into the morass and hit the most aggressive and sulphur summoning song of the EP right fucken naaaaoowww.