
Premiere: Dygora – Chambers of Reflection


It has been a damn fine week for unique music; from weird tech to sci-fi splits, grooving thrash to industrial-tinged black metal, we’ve got a little something for everyone. Before I check out for the weekend, I’ve got one more for you. We’ve got a stream of Chambers of Reflection, the new EP from Dygora, fresh out of the oven for your enjoyment right here.

Dygora have but one mission: to crush you beneath the sheer weight of their music. It’s a slow, claustrophobic squeeze that will give you plenty of time to consider your bones being shattered like glass. A wall of guitars closes in around you, borne methodically forward by unrelenting drums as the vocalist spits venom in his husky rasp. It’s nasty and it’s personal, as the band explains:

The journey of this E.P has been set on a curious path. The death of a mother, a brother, family turmoil have all been the things which have shaped this release into something which goes beyone us. We set out with an idea for this EP, but things in life directed us all to another place where we felt dark, but comfortable with it. The amount of learning and growing with one another which has had to be done over the writing period is substantial; also, the self discoveries we’ve all had to observe within ourselves has been welcoming. This EP is the epitome of our challenges as individuals and a group, as well as our hope to see beyond the veil which we have created, as people, and as a planet.

If you’re not one for long-winded metaphors, this is some prime DIY groovy prog death halfway between Meshuggah and middle-years Decapitated. If that sounds like your thing (and it should), follow the band here and pick up Chambers of Reflection for a whole £3 right here.

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