Riff Of The Week: December Free-For-All Edition


Pick a winner out of these riffs from Tomb Mold, Cosmic Atrophy, Enslaved, Amebix, Danzig, De Profundis, Acid Bath, Belphegor, Metal Church, and more!

Before we ring the bell to commence battle for this week, let’s check the results from last weekend’s Bump Edition.

This week is our December Free-For-All. No theme, no holds barred. Who will you crown the winner?

De Profundis – ‘War Be Upon Him’ (Riff @ 0:19)

This is good death metal. And a good death metal riff. Starting at 0:19.

Treebeard, Father of Fangorn.
Belzebong – ‘Diabolical Dopenosis’ (Riff @ 0:00)

After biding our time, the other ents and I have a song to submit to your free-for-all riff moot. We feel this song has the riff power necessary to plant the small seed in your head and continue to grow, until it becomes so powerful that you must listen to the song again, and again, like the cycle of life in our forest of Fangorn. These trees from Belzebong will grow mighty and tall, and will be a riff force to be reckoned with for many years to come.

Positronic Brain
Tomb Mold – “Planetary Clairvoyance (They Grow Inside II)’ (Riff @ 1:55)

This fucking song, man. Killer riff on top of killer riff! This one is a doodly-doodly hammer-on riff that sounds like it’s in a fucked up time signature, but unless i’m mistaken it’s in 4/4, which is a really cool trick to pull off while still sounding catchy. Still not sure what the fuck is up with these Canadian sellouts spelling “mold” the American way though. #TombMould

Ian Rigg
Cosmic Atrophy – ‘Stygian Whispers’ (Riff @ 0:23)

This one has been on repeat in my melon since I first picked the album up earlier this week. It has an early Obituary feel to it, bouncy without crossing into nu-metal territory. The riff goes for a little then is broken up by a mini solo and right back into the riff, another solo, back to infectious, groovy riff.

Acid Bath – “Toubabo Koomi” (Riff @ 0:55)

Aren’t you glad I didn’t submit “The Blue”?

Howard Deanzig
Danzig – “Snakes of Christ” (Riff @ 0:14)

[shoves you; flexes]

Pööpy Täpir
Amebix – ‘Chain Reaction’ (Riff @ 0:42)

“No Gods, No Masters.”

Belphegor – ‘Diaboli Virtus in Lumbar Est’ (Riff @ 1:33)

This album is an harem anime turned metal: we’ve got the demon lord (main character), a bunch of naked women (the expendable plot devices) and, of course, references to incest. the mightiest of tropes and purest of loves. Much like anime, Belphegor carry me into a magical world of stupidity and this riff conveys it quite well: it’s dumb and excessive, but nonetheless, a thing of beauty.

Enslaved – ‘Roots of the Mountain’ (Riff @ 4:13)

This is one of those riffs that will just pop into my head randomly, even if I haven’t heard the song in months. That bass tone is just so good, and I love that the guitars and keys drop out at first to really accentuate the part.

Tom Warrior’s Beanie
Metal Church – ‘Metal Church’ (Riff @ 1:05)

I first heard this song on some long dead internet radio site probably fifteen years ago and I thought it was one of the meanest riffs I had ever heard and listening to it again I was right.

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Next week I wanna hear riffs released in years ending in 8.
i.e. 2018, 2008, 1998, 1738, 1988, 1978, 418 BC, 1968 etc.
Anyone can enter. Submission details below.

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