Sunday Sesh: Hell’s Bells
Ah, the bell. Truly the most majestic of percussion instruments. Whether it’s signalling an imminent invasion or celebrating victory over ... -
The Hippies Ruined Woodstock 99
For a brief moment in time, the coolest new scene in America was embraced by red-assed frat boys, shit kicking ... -
Sunday Sesh: We Need a New Big Four. Here’s How We’ll Do It
Before you fly straight to the comments and flense me for such an idea, let’s talk. -
Mailmanbro Walk with Me
Pssst. Hey you. You wanna see some metal merch? Come over here. Hop on in my creepy-ass van. I got ... -
Sunday Sesh: Let’s Just Listen to Metallica’s Power Metal Demo
In this, the year of our lord 2017, you’ve likely heard just about every version of every single Metallica song. ... -
Dr. Mailmanbro or: How I Learned to Stop Shopping in Record Stores and Love Agoraphobia
You work like a dog. You take your pithy remuneration and fling some or all of it at the artists ... -
What The Experts Have To Say About Your Favourite Metal Albums…
How do some of your most revered records stack up when put through the ultimate test? Featuring quintessential gems from ... -
Riff Of The Week: 1,2,3 Edition
Which riff will be crowned the Toilet’s Incontinental Champion?