Win Sarcoptes Songs and Dances of Death on Cassette!
Fellas, if you wanna thrash in your 1997 Geo Metro, you better get in here and give me your best ... -
Review – Oozing Wound’s Whatever Forever
Contrary to its apathetic title, Whatever Forever is Oozing Wound‘s most focused and sinister record yet. -
30 years on, Slayer’s Reign In Blood Is Still Fucking Garbage!
Next week marks 30 years since the release of one of metal’s most historic records. While other albums of its ... -
Death and the Miser: An Interview with Sarcoptes
In which we discuss the inherent evil of cats with Sarcoptes. -
A Cold Death: Find Your Very Own Norwegian Death Metal Band!
Which band will you take home today? -
Darkness – Tinkerbell Must Die: A Video Breakdown
I believe in a thing call copyright infringement. -
Guest Post: Fresh Rot from the Irish Underground
Today OG Toileteer IronLawnMower walks us through some of the very best metal in the extreme Irish scene. -
Shirt Stains: Thrash Test Dummies
Splish, splash, I was listening to thrash / Long about a Saturday night. -
Re-Release Extravaganza
Recommended re-released remnant records… ready? Recently, I noticed an influx of re-releases popping up on my radar. Some turned out to ... -
Pestifere Provide Plenty of Hope Misery Death
“Vulgar apes, flailing through time and space… trampling, consuming… robbing history from those who have no voice. [Human structures are] ...