
The Greatest Metal Concept Album Ever Tournament: The Championship


It’s come down to this, a grand duel for the ages. In one corner, the mighty cetacean majesty of Leviathan. In the other, the cerebral anarchy of Operation: Mindcrime. Savage violence! Spectacular thrills! A tale to to stun the mind! Which concept album will be forever known as the Greatest Metal Concept Album Ever?

That was a hell of a Final Four. While Vertikal managed to stave off Leviathan for some time, Ahab’s monomaniacal fury ultimately caused the esoteric Swedes to capitulate. The right hand of the bracket, however, was an absolute bloodbath. Queensryche‘s militant faithful poured into the bracket in frenzied droves, utterly decimating any shot Opeth had at glory. Can that inertia sustain the ‘Ryche all the way to the throne? Cast your vote and choose your side.

Remember, your goal is to not just choose the album you like the most, but to try to pick the album whose concept best fits the music. This is a battle for glory. Be judicious as you cast your stones below.

The Championship (stab to embiggen)

Mastodon’s Leviathan vs. Queensryche’s Operation: Mindcrime

Moby Dick vs. Disillusioned Junkie Turned Revolutionary

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