This Toilet Tuesday (1/29/19)


TOILET TUESDAY. NEW MUSIC. GET IT. There’s a shitton of black and death metal this week, and some of it is actually good! We’ve highlighted the best of it, but we’re not perfect; let us know if we missed anything.

Morild – Så kom mørket og tog mig på ordet yeah okay fuck this (Indisciplinarian) [Black Metal]
Listen to “En sort sky af minder”

Holy crap there’s a lot of black metal this week. Deadspace and Unendlich sound pretty good, but I don’t think they need highlighting. Also, holy crap with this album title; this is only about a quarter of it. Anyway, we have here some melodic, pensive black metal that makes up what it might be lacking in instrumental brutality with a vocal approach all the more ear-piercing. Check it out if you don’t mind a bit of quiet time in between lots of blast beats and soaring guitars and synths, or could do with a somewhat shriller version of last year’s Møl. 2/1/19 (Hans)

Ossuarium – Living Tomb (20 Buck Spin) [Death Metal]
Listen to ‘Corrosive Hallucinations’

Kit and I have talked about the back and forth battle between 20 Buck Spin and Blood Harvest Records for underground death metal label supremacy. And while the latter certainly landed the first big death-blow of the year with Noctambulist’s frenzied debut, 20 Buck have hit back hard with a debut from an artist whose previous two demos were on Blood Harvest. Anyway, label lauding aside Ossuarium‘s new album Living Tomb kicks all kinds of arse. From the darkened doldrums of death/doom à la dISEMBOWELMENT (‘End Of Life And Dreams Pt.2’), to tripped-out Tomb Mold terrain (‘Corrosive Hallucinations’), and fill in the blanks with some Finndeath fawning (think Funebrarum’s slower stuff). All in all it makes for an extremely killer album with broad appeal potential. If there’s one death metal album you check out this week, you’d be fucking stupid to make it anything other than Ossuarium’s Living Tomb.
FFO: Tomb Mold, Convulse, Spectral Voice.  1/2/19

Unendlich – Thanatophobia (Horror Pain Gore Death) [Melodic Black Metal]

Regardless of what my compatriots say, I’m covering Unendlich, because this shit rules. Coming hot off the back of their December EPThanatophobia gives us more of that slick songwriting that characterized Misanthropic Sedition, but with a couple different twists. Where Sedition was dark and gloomy, this new album is of a more aggressive bent, particularly towards the middle. “The Gods We Trust” and “Becoming Fire” are absolute ragers, and “The Final Error” combines the best of both worlds. Seriously good stuff here. 2/1/19 (Spear)

Asenheim – Tristan (Narbentage Produktionen) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Der freie Geist”

Astronoid – Astronoid (Blood Music) [Post-Metal]
Listen to “I Dream in Lines”

Avhath – The Avhath Rites (Independent) [Black Metal]

Burial – The Forgotten (Dismal Fate Records) [Death Metal]

Carbon Colossal – Celestial Eels (Independent) [Dissonant Black/Death Metal]
For real this time

Circle’s Line – Reborn in Silence (Sleaszy Rider Records) [Heavy Metal]

Deadspace – Dirge (Talheim Records) [Black Metal]

Der Rote Milan – Moritat (Unholy Conspiracy Deathwork) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Die Habsucht”

Destroyers of All – The Vile Manifesto (Mosher Records) [Death Thrash]

Dethonator – Race Against the Sun: Part 1 (Pavement Entertainment) [Heavy Metal]
Listen to “Nightmare City”

Dynamation – Paranormal Isolation (Independent) [Death Metal]

Frenzy – Blind Justice (Independent) [Heavy Metal]

Graves – Liturgia da Blasfemia (Iron Bonehead) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Sangrado Em Golgota”

Imminent Reaper – Walls of Death (Independent) [Death/Thrash]
Listen to “Massacre”

Ithaca – The Language of Injury (Holy Roar Records) [Post-Hardcore]
Listen to “Slow Negative Order,” “The Language of Injury”

Lęk – The Eerie One (Wolfspell Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Forgotten Lakes”

Lunaar – Among the Dead Stars (Death Kvlt Productions) [Black Metal]

Mastiff – Plague (APF Records) [Sludge/Hardcore]
Listen to “Hellcircle”

Megascavenger – Boneyard Symphonies (Selfmadegod) [Death Metal]
Listen to “Back to the Ancient Again”

Mind of Evil – The Book of Eschaton (Independent) [Doom]

Necropsy Defecation – Flesh Gore Pieces of Cannibalistic Ritual Altars (Rising Nemesis Records) [Brutal Death Metal]
Listen to “Bulldozer Massacre”

Optimist – Vermächtnis (BDHW Records) [Grindy Death Metal]
Listen to “Das Vermächtnis,” “Rattengier”

Ossuarium – Living Tomb (20 Buck Spin) [Death Metal]

Pensées Nocturnes – Grand Guignol Orchestra (Independent) [Weird Blackish Metal]

Pulchra Morte – Divina Autem et Aniles (Ceremonial Records) [Death Doom]

Rostorchester – Die Sonne und der Mond in Ketten (BergStolz) [Black Metal]

Sebastien – Behind the World (Pride & Joy Music) [Power Metal]

Soen – Lotus (Silver Lining Music) [Prog Metal]
Listen to “Lotus,” “Martyrs”

Son ov Leviathan – Luciferian Misanthrope (Independent) [Blackened Death Metal]

Soulmass – The Weakness of Virtue (Independent) [Death Metal]

Spirit Ruiner – Vol. 1 (Independent) [Doom/Sludge]

Svirnath – Dalle rive del Curone (Naturmacht Productions) [Melodic Black Metal]
Listen to “All’ombra delle fronde”

Thronum Vrondor – Ichor (The Rebellion) (Pulverised Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Ceremony of Atonement”

Toxik Attack – Assassinos em Série (Hellprod Records) [Thrash]

War Thrashed – Bienvenido a tu ejecución (Independent) [Thrash]
Listen to “Bienvenido a tu ejecución”

Wintergeist – Kalte Fluten (Seelenbrand Records) [Black Metal]
Listen to “In rasender Macht aus Eis”

Within Temptation – Resist (Spinefarm Records) [Symphonic/Alt. Metal]
Listen to “The Reckoning”

Яkорь – Я не вернусь (Joker Records) [Death/Doom]

Yaldabaoth – O Mito das Duas Árvores (Independent) [Black Metal]
Listen to “Gematria II”

Zohamah – Spreading My Ashes (Redefining Darkness) [Black Doom]

Did we forget a new release? Is there a way we could improve this list? Let us know in the comments!

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