TMP: Hath, Moon Tooth, Noisem, and More!


No shortage of new material to start your week.

New Hath coming April 12, taste a new track here.

Noisem has some new grindy death.

My most anticipated of the album of the year is from Moon Tooth, who dropped their first track.

  • Not one of my favorite tracks on the album, but new song/video from Soen.
  • New music from Horndal.
  • Incantation, Defeated Sanity Euro tour.
  • Spirit Adrift has their next album tracked.
  • Immortal Bird also has their next one tracked.
  • New music from Edgar Allan Poe Rotting Christ.
  • Bandcamp going the Amazon route and opening a record store in Oakland.
  • I’m not sure what Elizabeth Colour Wheel is but here’s some shoegaze.
  • New Overkill premiere from their 19th friggin album.
  • New blackened hardcore from Totaled.
  • New post metal from Chrome Waves.
  • Debut single from Imonolith (Threat Signal, Ex-SYL). It’s basically nu-metal.
  • New tracks from Demon Hunter.
  • Blackened sludge superband (or maybe just super features?) Novarupta dropped a track, album out in April.
  • Erik Rutan from Hate Eternal is filling in for Pat O’Brien in Cannibal Corpse.
  • Children of Bodom, Swallow The Sun, Wolfheart North American tour.
  • “Chaos and Carnage” US  tour: Whitechapel, Dying Fetus, Revocation, Fallujah, Spite, Uncured, Buried Above Ground.
  • Wow, another Tennger single! Said no one ever.
  • Some new Cellar Darling
  • Folky stuff from Hexvessel.
  • Another Swallow The Sun, album out Friday.
  • Carnal Forge vocalist dancing is funny.
  • Good hardcore from Ithaca.
  • Queensryche will never die.
  • Another new Whitechappie.

And a bunch of new stuff from:
Battle Beast
Une Misere
Norma Jean
Iron Savior
Herman Frank (of Accept fame)
Hecate Enthroned
A Wake In Providence

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