Toilet Radio 495 – Azov Fest 2024


THIS WEEK ON TOILET RADIO: We got an offer to go out and attend a festival in Ukraine featuring White Ward. Nice! The festival is a fundraiser for Azov Battalion. Not so nice! / Summer Slaughter is BACK and the worst it has ever been! We investigate this, and more of Ash from Sumerian’s impotent rage RE: vaccines. It is 2024! / Guitar Center has a band new Blues CEO with a bold plan to get a shit ton of wage workers laid off. / We talk about an awful story about a woman getting severe spinal trauma at a show and discuss youth-focused risk and, in the cases of some bands, outright sociopathy in heavy music.

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Our 500th show is coming up soon. Leave me a message at (972) 861-0581 and we’ll play it on the show!

Music featured on this ‘sode:
Hyperdontia – Death’s Embrace

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