Tuesday Night Open Swim


This here is an open thread. Come on in and take your shoes off.

Things that are on TV tonight:

  • Baseball (The Marlins and the Pirates face off in a battle of who cares).
  • The Country Music Awards (take a shot every time you don’t know who an artist is).
  • America’s Got Talent (lulz).
  • Hard Knocks: Training Camp with the Atlanta Falcons (this will actually probably be good).

I’ll be sitting in front of a computer going through a pile of work. How about you guys?

An important note:

I want to personally thank all of you for your support of this site. We get better everyday because of you guys. I would, however, like to request that you do not spam the comments of other sites with links to this site. I’ve heard some complaints and it’s rubbing a bunch of folks the wrong way. I want to grow the site legitimately and I know that we can do that together.
On to the nonsense!


(Image via)


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