Riff of the Week: The 80’s // 3-12-16


80’s Rocker Chick getting ready to smash a guitar stock photo

I’m not kidding with you that’s what it says.

80’s Rocker Chick getting ready to smash a guitar.

Send help.

Last week, mighty Boss the Ross took home 19 votes with his pick for solo of the year. Well done, boss. Your prize is waiting for you somewhere out in the big blue world. Get out there and claim it!

Next week, we’re doing regular riffs. Because I have a really good one that I’m pretty sure is going to score me at least two votes. Send your riffs to toiletovhellriff@gmail.com. Include your name, a link to the riff, the time of the riff, and an explanation. If you have an idea for a theme or what-not, let me know.

Let’s play some riffs.



One of the best metal songs ever written, so do with this what you will. Heckin’ poser jerks. Riff starts at 0:30.


Maik Beninton

80’s riffs… I only know low hanging fruit so I will go with Celtic Frost. This song has a very good riff and my favorite Tom G. Warrior grunt.


Sir Tapir

This album has more riffs than the law allows. This one comes @ aboot 3:49.


Akerwhatever ov Steele

0:20, I mean wtf if this does not make you want to punch things with your fists and/or penis, then you’re probably dead.


Brock Samson

My first death metal record and the opening riff has always been one of my favorites.



Overkill bring that 80’s thrash goodness @2:07…


Old Man Doom

Rock’s chosen warriors will rule the apocalypse.


Ted Nü-Djent

Don’t ask me (to pick one riff from the 80’s). I don’t know. 0.00.



1987 was the year and what a glorious year it was. A lot of my all-time favorite thrash albums came out in 1997 (Killing Technology, The Ultra-Violence, The Legacy, R.I.P., Terror Squad, Kill for Pleasure, the list goes on). Standing head and shoulders with these classics was Holy Terror’s Terror and Submission. Driven by the twin guitar attack of Kurt Kilfelt and Mike Alford, and the unique vocals of Keith Deen (R.I.P), Holy Terror combined speed metal with thrash to deliver riff excellence. Riff starts at 0:03.


Boss the Ross

I’m going a little out of the norm, with all of the eighties to choose from I decided to go with the best Doom riff by a non-Doom band. The opening riff to Black Flag’s “Modern Man” is pure unadulterated Doom. It finishes the song as well and each time I listen to it I feel one step closer to death. Simply heavy. Greg Ginn’s eerie guitar work in the background creeps around you and fills your eyes with darkness. I’ve been listening to this album a lot, and now you too can get a taste of it. I’m not expecting too many votes this week, oh well.



The riff at 2:35 is one of my favorite riffs of all time, and it’s the first riff I thought of for this Riff ov the Week.



After missing the last couple of weeks of the riffening, it got to Saturday here and I realised I didn’t want to miss out again. I’ve been listening to some of my old faves lately and the clean intro to this track takes me back to my teens, discovering the German thrash legends and cranking the various tracks of theirs I had collected. The riff I’ve chosen is the main riff that cuts through the glass at 0:43.



I had a few choice Power riffs to go on here, but actually decided on one of my fav thrash anthems of all time instead. You can really pick any of the riffs throughout this tune to HANDILY win this week’s competition. 0:24 to open it up, 0:50 to get us rolling, and then the main riff beginning at 1:40. High School headbanging at its headbangiest.



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