Mini-Tour of the Apocalypse: Dead Congregation Brutalize the Northeast


***I know this isn’t brand spankingly new info, and maybe you’re rolling your eyes because you know that I’m a devout fanboy, but the toilet needs to hear this. Sometimes the cesspit needs a cleansing!***

This autumn, Greek death metal titans Dead Congregation will ascend from Tartarus and invade the northeastern United States for a brief mini-tour in support of their exceptional new album and potential AOTY, Promulgation of the Fall. Support will be supplied by two excellent underground death metal acts, Mausoleum from Windber, PA, and Philadelphia’s (“Philthydelphia” for those of you who may be David Vincent) extra-grubby Pissgrave.

Despite the tiny amount of stops on this tour, it is notable and exciting news. Dead Congregation does not often tour the United States, and when they do, it’s usually a one-off (like an appearance at Maryland Deathfest). You can count on one hand the amount of times this band has touched down on U.S. soil. [i]


Exploding onto the scene in 2005 with the excellent Putrifying Consecrated Ground EP, Dead Congregation made a name for themselves in death metal by building upon the dirge and claustrophobia of bands like Incantation and Immolation with a fresh-faced ferocity and fervor, thereby setting themselves apart from the torrent of “Incantation-clones” and “noisy and muffled caverncore” that clogged the catacombs of the underground for years. 2008 saw the release of their seminal debut, Graves of the Archangels, an almost instant classic that garnered universal praise. On Graves, Dead Congregation married their sound with steadfast aesthetics and a meticulous songwriting verve, and thereby succeeded in making death metal beyond qualifiers—it’s old school in sound, but not OSDM revivalism; it’s brutal, but falls not for the formula and tropes of BDM; it’s strong in its content and convictions, but cannot easily be given the tag “orthodox.” It’s death metal with excellent songwriting played by extremely competent musicians. Dead Congregation have recently started their own label, Martyrdoom Productions, and have worked closely with Norma Evangelium Diaboli, Profound Lore, and Nuclear War Now! to release their music. [ii]

Mausoleum has been active since 2001, and is currently signed to Razorback Recordings. They play death metal of a decidedly old school variety, a dirty mix of Autopsy with the proto-death stylings of Impetigo or Necrophagia. They have released two full-lengths, and most recently released a 7” split on Goatgrind Records with Brazilian death metal band Offal. I’ve only listened to a few of their tracks, but am planning to pick up one of their albums soon. [iii]

Pissgrave—aside from having one of the best band names—is an exciting new death metal outfit that is signed to Graceless Recordings. They released a S/T demo on cassette a few months ago, and are poised to make a big splash with their ridiculously grotesque sound. Their demo contains seven tracks of the nastiest, most atavistic death metal this side of 1993, and also holds the record for the most disturbing cover art I’ve seen in years. [iv] For barbaric filth, it doesn’t get much better than Pissgrave. Here’s to hoping they release a full length soon and that it will be available in other formats besides cassette (my attempts to coax Profound Lore into releasing their demo on CD and picking them up the same way they have Pissgrave’s Graceless label mates Alraune have so far failed; must continue with email badgering). [v]

If you are interested and able to attend one of these shows, hurry to your local purveyor of tickets and buy some! Your favorite presidential candidate and primal screamer (ahem, me) already has his tickets, so what’s your excuse, you cunting lifelover?! [If your excuse is that you live two thousand miles away, that is completely valid and I understand. Kind of.] This is a tour you don’t want to miss. Dead Congregation are known for their incredibly intense and tight live show, and are a band you don’t want to pass up if you get a chance. See you there!



[i] I could probably dredge up every date that they played in the U.S. with this wondrous tool known as the interwebs, but I’ll let you find that if you so desire. Howard ain’t got no time for that! He’s too busy listening to Promulgation of the Fall for the ninety-seventh time this month. Byah!

[ii] For more info on Dead Congregation, including their complete discography, check out their page at the metal-archives:


[iv] View the cover art at your own risk, not responsible for vomiting or coworkers who think you are a serial killer:




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