Screaming For Mailmanbro!


We are screaming for MAILMANBRO
The world is a MAILMANBRO place
Screaming, screaming for MAILMANBRO
The world is MAIL in MANBRO

Let’s start this right with Jimmy McNulty’s wicked haul that includes Genesis, Peter Gabriel, Airbourne, Sons ov Omega and CELTIC FROST!


Next, we have slipjack’s humble yet mighty Giant Squid record


Simon Phoenix received some killer albums from Whetstone, Suppressive Fire and more along with Medieval Steel and Solstice patches


Pagliacci received both trees n’ shit albums and patch, along with some socks for walking around in trees n’ shit and some tea to quench his thirst while walking around and listening to trees n’ shit in the trees n’ shit


NDG scored some unmetal records (we’ll forgive him this time) to include Bored!, The Wilful Boys, The Onyas, The Ranch Hands and Violent Reaction



Mother Shabadabadoo (or whatever his name is this week) received Converge‘s classic Jane, as recorded live at Roadburn


JAG was brought the latest Iron Reagan jam and purchased 4 of the greatest solo albums of all time, as recorded by Danzig


Sweettooth0 proves once again he has the sickest collection ever with a few choice selections Gutalax, Maniak, Necropsy and Disorganized along with collector’s sets of The Hills Have Eyes and Demons 1 & 2


Dumpster Lung is proving that 2017 is thrashing mad with Iron Reagan and POWER TRIP albums and shirts


Globe of the Elegant Gazing variety was delivered a MIGHTY haul from mailmanbro to include Dissection, Eternal Champion, RUSH, Tom Petty, Judas Priest, Scorpions and Ozzy Osbourne



Mailmanbro was kind enough to deliver Eternal Champion, POWER TRIP, Killah Priest, Erang, Mortiis, Sequestered Keep, Verminaard and other albums to me along with the Swords of Steel compilation book


Karhu, the mighty Beargod was hand delivered a massive haul ranging from Paara, Barathrum, WarloghesPitbull Terrorist and Last Days to Blind Guardian, Sequestered Keep, Radiopuhelimet, and Shores of Ladon.


Meabwhile, Scrimm was giving his mailmanbro the month off buy supporting his local record store, scoring albums from Incantation, Interment, Lie in Ruins, Benediction, Bestial Raids, Tomb Mold, Auroch, Cultes Des Ghoules, Tyranny and more


And in an odd change of events we had some readers submit selfies with their hauls So yeah, I guess that’s a thing now? Anyways, here is DoomDelver and Son ov Wolf with Unleash The Archers and Expander goods.

Got anything cool within the last month? please share and discuss below!



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